I suppose I should be happy, I mean the stupid transmission lasted longer than anyone else's I know with an explorer. Plus, it wasn't like it died while on the freeway. I think next week is going to be expensive.
So I got up this morning at about 6:30 and decided that despite the fact that it is rather grey outside, I want to go out on the bay. I am so glad I did. It was only about sixty five degrees this morning but the water was not nearly as cold as thought it would be. There was also a steady breeze and about...
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now thats quite the front yard you got there
O.K., just for the record, three albums ordered off of GEMM. One coming from New York, one from Montreal and the last from Derbyshire. So, what gets to the northwestern corner of the U.S. first? The one from Canada, followed two days later by the one from England. That means both albums had to go through Customs, be handled by Canada post, The Royal post...
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ok, I went through the different ways of posting pics on journals. I noticed you had trouble on RoseMarie's journal, so I am sharing what I know. it needs a very specific web address. the one on your browser is not enough.

try this, it works every time. first the pic needs to already be on the web, somewhere. like your sg pics folders. open the pic. right click on the pic. click properties. the url listed is the proper one. copy/paste it into the pre-written html, Image, popup. otherwise put [/IMG] after it and [IMG] before it , on the post you are writing with no spaces. the Image tab does that for you though.
good luck.

under the submit button is an faq link, if you click it, it opens a second sg page. scroll to the top, click on your name to go to your page, go to your pics, copy, minimize the page and you are back to the page you were posting on and your easily, multiple copy pics page is minimized at your disposal at all times. I'll do some of your pics biggrin wink

by the way, you have nice cats wink

[Edited on Jun 22, 2005 3:13AM]
Damn, there was something I was going to write about regarding this week so far, but I'll be damned if I can remember what it was. I did something extremely stupid at work, but lucked out and it was a non issue, found more date nails, I now have some from the thirties, fourties, fifties, sixties and now one from the seventies, but I don't...
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I am an idiot.

I was going to post more, but that really sums it up.
hey! you've got a journal up now!

sorry on the idiot status. tongue but you really should get out more...if you do, you'll immediately realize how many people really beat you in that category.
I just woke up from an awful dream. I dreamt that my ex wife moved back in with me, we weren't "together", she just moved in. She even moved herself into my bed, we we not fucking, she just started sleeping im my bed next to me. In the dream, I went from having a wonderful life I enjoyed to losing most everything but her....
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GEMM shall be my downfall.

mmmmmmm vinyl.

Also, as a side note, while I did remember to take the camera out while on the kayak, the results were less than impressive. I mean it's beautiful while you're out there, but the pictures are less than inspiring.

Ha, I finally got around to doing a profile pic, nice double chin there.
More kayaking this weekend, and I got crabs while doing it. Actually, one crab, not a very big one, stuck to my big toe cartoon fashion which was very amusing(aside from the fact it hurt alot more than I would have expected( I mean it was only the size of a quarter for crying out loud( O.K., so it didn't hurt like the times I've...
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All right, took the kayak out yesterday on it's maiden voyage, everything went swimmingly. Actually, that is probably not the best choice of adverbs as I managed to stay relatiively dry. I was quite surprised to see a couple of seals in the bay, they popped their heads up and watched the progress. I've seen quite a few of them out fishing with friends in...
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