It's 3 in the morning...i'm drunk beyond reason...though i'll try to type correctly.

so... i have yet to be able to convice anyone i live in atlanta...and be allowed to join the ATLiens...but i don't hate...Llona's too beautiful to question

but i'll write anyway...

be ready for LOTS of elipses...they're my favorite.
i also refuse to capitalise correctly...so sue me.

I'm trying to get scolicited...
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Confidence does you no good when your friend is telling you that something you did hurt her. smile
i agree 100%. distance is great.. until they randomly show up at your parents house to drop off mean letters mad
Sin City was as awesome as i hoped it would be. Frank Miller is so great.
I had a pretty awesome day today haging out with my friends...and not working.
but my thoughts kept drifting away...

i am dwelling on something elusive and can't rationalise it...

Davey sang what i am feeling best:

"I cannot leave here, I cannot stay
Forever haunted, more than...
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yeah, the termites are just one of the creatures that have invaded this old house.

hopefully soon it will be all better.

as i slowly rust...
wow.. i really like your poem.. my comment made it sound like i thought you were writing about me ooo aaa .... but anyways..yes .. there is a PARTY and you gotta be there! are you a member of SGATLiens? if so .. go to the PARTY topic and read .. if not i will email you with the details i have thus far!!!
Onie puke ARRR!!! (that would be a puke-pirate, or a drunken seasick pirate.. you choose)!
the party wont be starting until 7 or 8 so i plan on it rockin thru the night and well into the morning.. and its not a stupid question at all!
Well i wasn't able to go to the ATLiens event, because i ended up having to work until 2AM.
That sucks... i was really looking forward to it.
Holy shit,
this is so fucking awesome...
I am so drunk...but that has nothing to do with the awesomeness; I just met a guy at the bar who bought AMPEX...as in ampex DCT; as in i was the only guy at Turner Studios who knew his product.

Hopefully he was nowhere near as drunk as i was beacuse he said he was looking for a...
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Dita is at Future in the Underground here in the ATL.
If you're going to be around, we're having an open meet for the SGATLiens at Lenny's tonight (Friday, 3/25) around 11PM or so.
See ya.

I need to get out of this god damn town... I just got pulled over by a dude i went to high school with. That's so incredibly lame. I didn't know weather to call him sir or Mike, so i called him Paul.
brilliant recovery. biggrin
You know... you're right... but you're not. Everybody needs to bring something to the table. I mean, if you're a freaking retard in the sack, you're not going anywhere, you know? Money, affection, good cooking ability.... It's like the stats in diablo when you level up... You only have 5 points to distribute, and like, 15 options? What the hell are you supposed to do??

Oh, do you like The Faint?
i can't decide between two girls...
and i'm dating one...

this sucks...

why does this happen
I don't understand how i survivned last night...
now i have to go to war...

man, my head hurts...

what would Joe Don Baker do? hmmm....