Things slowly get better. Shit happens, you deal, life goes on... terrible to skip these moments, but these parts of life are better forgotten. Ho well.

I've head that one many times over the years.

I hope you feel better real soon, I'd like to take you up on that shot.

p.s. I wrote my currant journal before I read your comment. I'm not mad just tired of talking about it.

[Edited on Apr 20, 2006 12:53AM]
frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown
My best guy friend EVER killed himself Friday.
His name was Aaron. Our friendship was like no other I've ever had. He'd do anything for me, he told me everything -graphic details of his sex life, secrets animosity towards his family, EVERYTHING.
...everything except his suicidal tendencies, i suppose.
why didn't he tell me...
of all things, why couldn't he tell me something so important?...
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Why does everyone have kids? Or is married?

Every time I think of something AWESOME to do spur of the moment everyone has to find a babysitter or if they want to go their spouse isn't interested.

GOD I need new single friends OR more better, a boy to do silly things with... i wonder if HE'S still interested in me... probably not frown

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One of these days me and PRockGirlScout are gonna bar hop, maybe you could join.
In the back of my mind I want to do it. I want to do it so bad, but there's that stupid little promise i made to myself...
what to do...


went to the Vinyl club in ashland last night, and boy are my legs tired.

Almost everyone from the shop was there: Vince and Lorraine, Barry, myself, and the shop boys, Clinton and Rick and his gf, Vivian. We made a plan to meet at Rick's @ 9:30 to do a little pre-funk b4 the club.

i was a vinyl virgin and when i walked...
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I've never been to the Vinyl Club yet. Do they charge a cover?
So I am no longer a estimator, nor a phone answerer, and alas, my days of flirting with parts boys over the phone are over... for the most part.

Last week, I was violently pushed into the accounting part of my cousin's auto shop, and while the pressure of giving people really bad news about their repairs is over, I do miss the swing of...
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Going to the Frankie Hernandez band tonight at the Ashland Armory @ 8pm!

Should be a very green night for all involved. Seeing as how its just about 7 o'clock, that gives me just about 60 minutes to get back to Eagle Point and then back to the other side of the state to Ashland...

oh well, hakuna matata. no one likes to be the...
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better late than never... tongue
wow. its been a coons age since i've updated... oooh, i hope that's not considered racist, which i'm not, but its just a funny phrase.

so my mom died, and as tragic as it seems, i think i'm doing ok. it really only becomes real when i'm going to bed and i start thinking of her hugs and her smile... i have her ashes now,...
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rented cherry coke??? thats a new one... confused
I think if one of my parents died, I'd talk to their ashes as well. I'd get a locket or something to keep them in, so maybe I'm weird. I'm sorry for your loss.
So my big fat heart's been palpitating and beating all weeeeird and I went to the Doc yesterday and they said, oh, its just arythmia, typical for you age, stop smoking, get more exercise, and come back in a month... they did an EKG and said my heart rate was way slow, which is good. But as soon as I left the damn office it...
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wow... s'been a while since i've updated...
too much is going on to type... but it feels like nothing really progressive has happened. went to cali to see mom, who's pretty sick still, got sick on the way down and was so contagious i couldn't really get too close to her. <--bummer.
but on a less depressing note, i'm training my replacement starting today so...
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cool, what will you be studying?
I got THIS coat as an early birthday present and I absolutely love it!!!

Things here are pretty spicy, to say the least. I think I have a crush on Roger, but I don't think he knows it and I think he may be married or at least involved. He's dreamy, either way. And more my age and type...

I'm so sick of dating this...
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HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! smile smile smile
My back is out of sorts today. I seem to sleep in the *YAY* position, with my arms above my head and my face in a pillow.

I've been thinkin I spend too much time thinking of boys. And when I find one, like in the past, I make my life revolve around him. I'm noticing I need to base my life around ME, otherwise,...
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