However I am curious how many do you plan on using live? Small club atmosphere or larger like a pavillion?  The reasons I ask is I have had a few friends that have tried line 6 live and usually just end up mic ing the hell out of them now as for me I have found in some places i can use 2 half stacks and Mic up my acoustic amp or with Mesa I can usually run 2 heads and 4 cabs but I also double one side as acoustic and on some tracks play half clean half dirty live but of course having a Piezo bridge pickup doesnt hurt either.. Anyway just curious ..                                                                                            By the way checked out your track, pretty good personally I would blend the vocals a bit better but that is just what I would do you don't have to.. Other than that pretty good.. anyway good luck , maybe we will run into each other on the road next year but I haven't decided whether I am going yet, but we will see if our 5th release will be out in time but I am not pushing it...LOL
Thanks for the comments @speed70 as of right now for bigger events ive just ended up mic ing the hell out of it lol! But she does what I need her to do for now. I'm looking at possibly getting a Mesa sometime next year! That would definitely be cool man. And thanks for listening! Feel free to shoot me over your music to check out!