"His mouth was on mine then, and I couldnt fight him. Not because he was so many thousand times stronger than me, but because my will crumbled into dust the second our lips met."

New Moon, Chapter 23, p.512
Gonzoe - you're awesome. Douchenozzle.

IfYouSeek - continue reading smile
omg ha ha ha ha

People can take everything away from you
But they can never take away your truth
But the question is..
Can you handle mine?

They say I'm crazy
I really don't care
That's my prerogative
They say I'm nasty
But I don't give a damn
Getting boys is how I live
Some ask me questions
Why am I so real?
But they don't understand me
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sorta like a genie.
i make everyone else's dreams come true
but none of my own... boo hoo.

it's always that simple. make it so!
smile What prompted this?

I want to be rich and I want lots of money
I dont care about clever I dont care about funny
I want loads of clothes and i want fuckloads of diamonds
I heard people die while they are trying to find them

And ill take my clothes off and it will be shameless
Cuz everyone knows thats how you get famous
Ill look at...
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Oh what the hell she says
I just can't win for losing
And she lays back down
Man there's so many times
I don't know what Im doin'
Like I don't know now

By the light of the moon
She rubs her eyes
Says it's funny how the night
Can make you blind
I can just imagine
And I don't know what Im supposed to...
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