father's day was pretty awesome. my girl cooked me an epic breakfast and my boy took me for coffee and we hung out for awesome dad and son time.

Aww cuteness
Yeah we are haha @superbabzy

Wednesday kinda rules for me at present. I'm working away which sucks, I'm getting tired of all the traveling and driving but I have it sorted so Wednesday night I get to see my son. :) I'm divorced and get him most weekends but Wednesday nights are an extra bonus for me :)

So happy hump day


It's a lumber jack shirt and safety glasses kind of day while I await the work crew. This picture has a bunch of clues about me... what can you spot?


Working from home today. It's kinda needed as I work away the rest of the week in Albany. Might have to make a permanent move there but I'd really rather not. That's the stress, work puts strain on home life, wish it wouldn't but it has here and I need to protect myself.


highs and lows the last few days. .... I'm not a gypsy I'm not. I need to get work back home rather than 150 miles away :(