just got home from work. insanely tired, but I'm going to be spending the night working on some music. great things hopefully coming soon. but for now, here's some more lyrics wink one of my most personal writings. I feel that no matter who you are, you will always have dark times, and sometimes you feel like you are all on your own, helpless, with nobody...
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got issue #1 of The Star Wars, the new comic series based on George Lucas's original rough draft screenplay. it's so good, so far. I love that we finally get to see his original vision for Star Wars. he reviews and gives the go-ahead on every single page, so it's guaranteed to be his original idea for what Star Wars should have been. I'm too...
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So I've decided that I'm going to post up some of my lyrics every now and then on here, being that the community could probably give me some good feedback. I'd love to know what people think. so with that, here's a song I have recently written about the shitty, self-righteous people that think they're better than everybody else and put themselves above the rest...
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i need to hear you scream it loveeeek
haha I'll hopefully have something to scream it to soon. I'm still working on instrumentals for this. whenever I get to it, I'll probably link it up on here, though.
Algebra class at 5:45........ why did I enroll myself in this class??? what a waste of my Tuesday & Thursday nights. ugh =/
decided to go ahead and throw my wishlist up on my profile, on the incredibly off chance that somebody wants to be my favorite and buy me cool shit on my birthday smile (which is on halloween) lol so yeah, that would be killer. other than that, just gonna be at home playing some Black Ops 2 today. if anybody cares to join me, my XBL...
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this is one of the catchiest, angriest, gnarliest songs ever. it's so good. "Snake eyes rolling back into my head! wishing I was dead, wishing I was dead!" I've been listening to The Death Card almost daily since it released. definitely check these guys out if you haven't heard them before.
finally had to get glasses the other day. I guess I am near-sighted? or far-sighted? whichever is where it is hard to see things far away. either way, I have found out that I look damn good in glasses! so this is a win for me smile so yeah, I can now see better and apparently I'm bringing sexy back ;P
so I spent the day working and then watched a football game. I don't really like football that much, so that shit was pretty boring. I was more focused on the beer & brats. food is a much better alternative to the huskers.
this is a fun way to creep somebody out. just reply to ANY picture somebody posts ANYWHERE and use this .Gif. I think they will be scarred for life, afterward.Family Guy Dolphin .Gif
Thanks darling, but I dont really think SG is into the cosplay... I do cosplay nude sets on another site, instead.
haha gotcha. either way, keep on with the good stuff, girl
well somebody in my area lost a dog, because I now have a young boxer in my house. cute little guy. he has no tags and isn't chipped, so hopefully somebody comes for him soon, otherwise I'll just call the humane society and have them pick him up tomorrow.
this is too hilarious! I want one of these costumes way too much now hahahahasmile