So got my NEW Canon 5D... and everything else you might want... 17-40mm 24-105mm 70-200mm and a 100mm Macro and a 1.4x converter... Speedlight, remote shutter... etc... etc... who's ready to shoot something??? I went to joshua tree two weeks ago when I first got it and did a bunch of long exposure night shots in the desert... what's next... any idead? Can't wait...
Sounds exciting
Pics or it didn't happen. No really we need to see some pictures.
I'm back...

After a few years hiatus from actually participating in the SG community, I'm back... a jealous EX made me wipe my profile and ditch all my friends, but that was over a year ago... why I haven't gotten back in the game, or more importantly, why I ever let someone control me enough that I voluntarily left, I don't know. But it was...
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