So i have been away for a bit frown

I have left my job, my best friend who jumps from telling me he is in love with me to he loves me as a friend and now i am living in sydney. Feeling very lost and disorientated.

I have to start my new job on wednesday and i also have to move into my new apartment...
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good things will come your way. best of luck kiss
Best of luck for the new job wink

Hope you are enjoying life in Sydney. If the big city is getting too much, and you need a shoulder to lean on, give me a shout. I'm also new to Sydney.

Hope you are haivng a great weekend.

kiss kiss
So things have been hetic...worse than hetic...chaotic...deppressing...miserable even. it bites.

Things have been great then sucky then downright dismal!

i feel awful for not being a better pal and seeing what my friends are up to in sucide girls.

i think instead of writing an entry filled with all the dismalness, i will take advice and just explore some inner fantasies.....

there is a bizzare...
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I feel guilty for the same reason.
So he showed up and then after we hung out, i just wished he had never come!!

I know that i shouldn't be selfish, and just concentrate on my own selfish problems, but i am beginging to feel that i am destained to be alone forever. Poeple keep saying to me, you are only 24....but that doesn't change the fact that i feel these little...
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Thanks for the compliment on my set, I'm glad you liked it smile
what a day uh!? yeah, sometimes i feel that way. well, i feel like that all the time now that my love one has left me to despair hurts like hell and i don't know what to do. i totally feel ya on what you saying there. you are to roam the world all alone trying to solve problems. just like a super hero Aquaman! haha!! i hope things get better for ya.
well another weekend has passed. life seems to bounce from weekend to another...not sure if this is a postive or negative thing. with the time approaching 8:20 here on my laptop, i am begingin to lose hope that y date is going to arrive. So much for dinner and movies. All dressed up with no where to go! great!! frown

aw, let us know if it happens ... or doesn't ... nothing worse than being stood up. well, technically, there is, but it's really only patronising to say "gee, y'know there are starving people in the world" at moments like this. especially if you've got some hot outfit going on right now.

hey did you know that dita von teese was in melbourne last weekend? she was the "guest of honour" at some rich guy's birthday party. so beautiful, a Vogue fashion icon'n'all... and yet still for sale. makes me sad.
So my countdown begins! 24 days until i finish work at my crappy job. 24 days til i can get out of this hell hole where i live. 24 days till i move to Sydney and just start so many things afresh!
When i move to sydney, i am going to update my picture, it will be my celebratery move for my moving!

54 til I see my bitch. Or negative 29 now in your countdown!!!
ha sounds like you work where i do...
which you don't cos it's in sydney... blush
i like music!! biggrin
So i have been in a bit of a limbo for a while and haven't really updated. But wow it was great to log back on and see so many wonderful photo sets and comments! smile

The band that i manage are playing at their first festival on Saturday....i have so much work to do as well as trying to calm my own nerves, and theirs....so...
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probablly after i do another photoset, which shouldnt be too long i think i want tattoos on my feet or i want pin strips on the back of legs
Yay! Good luck with yer band. And it's now 54 days til my bitch arrives! Huzzah!!!!
moonstrucksixez has tagged me for twenty things about me!!

1. I love sexy underwear

2. My favourite things are hugs (Massive Bear ones)

3. I have four sisters

4. I want to be an escort (for just a few months)

5. I secretly love porn...it really gets me hot

6. I fear i will one day be like my mum

7. I fear even more...
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Back from my undeclared hiatus... how flakey am I??? I will give you 20 soon... I promise!
A ha! I have done it! YES!!! If only I could hand it in in lieu of this essay...
So it is kinda sad cause i am not really feeling any better,even though i have been trying hard to concentrate on being a better person frown

I am in such a limbo at the moment, my contract at the radio station where i work is up at the end of november....and the other job i do part time is annoying the crap out of me....
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I have tagged you to tell us 20 things about yourself.
Have fun
M smile
Thankyou to those who told me i am not self obsessed. So much has been happening in my lfe of recent, i just dont know weather i am here or there. I am hopng that it is the weathers fault, and it will settle down very shortly.

Hope everyone is extremely blissful and full of loads of love!

big hugs and mwah! ooo aaa
Thanks for the reply, I'm in Melb at the moment (*sigh*) I'm over the cold weather. frown

I'm soooo glad that I didn't break it too. It's really sore at the moment but I'm sure I'll get over it. blackeyed

I love skater boys, I don't know what it is about them but there's something there that makes my head turn. love blush

Hope your having a good weekend. Talk to you soon
M smile

[Edited on Oct 15, 2005 6:47AM]
My grade 7 teacher used to balme our bad behaviour on the weather.... I think run with it wink
I was told that i am self obsessed, so i will not write anything about myself but ask how is everyone who gzes at my blog??? ooo aaa
The skirt was super cheap. I love it, too.

Thank you for the kind words in my journal about my set.
everyone else that gazes at your blog is interested in hearing about you.... tongue