ahh sarah silverman - I enjoy her.
i looove mexican food...but alas nothing spicy for 1 week! wtf
we shall demand their respect...

So apparently these questions are awkward...

-Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?

-Are you crushing on someone?
nope. none come to mind - although I've always thought the term - crush seems unnecessarily violent for a term of affection. I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!

-Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt?
Big time

-Have you ever made a boyfriend...
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-Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Until my lips bleed.

-Are you crushing on someone?
I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!>>> is really the best answer here.

-Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt?
But of course.

-Have you ever made a boyfriend or girlfriend cry?
Totally. It'smy goal sometimes. I'm a fucking bitch.

-Are you happier single or in a relationship?
In a relationship. I'm never really single.

-Have you ever been cheated on?
Yes, I have.

-Have you ever cheated on someone?
Yes, I have.

-Have you ever told someone you loved them and didn't mean it?
No. I'm careful with that word.

-Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes, I have.

-Have you ever broken somebody's heart?
Isn't that my whole deal? The tragic little gal who has been left by men more times than she can count... and all of them walk away hating themselves a little more.

-If you could go back in time and change some things, would you?

-Have you dated people who were not good to you?
Again, kind of my deal. If you can't be mean to me... I don't understand you. Mocking=love.

-Have you been in an abusive relationship?
Eh. Yes... but mutually so. I'm no victim. I too can kick alot of ass.

-Have you dated someone older than you?
Indeed... biggest age gap was something like twenty years.


I was 22, he was 17. Mostly we just fucked. Dating schmating.

-Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?

-Do you believe in love at first sight?

-Ever been given an engagement ring?
No. Damn it. I've been asked to marry, what, five times now? They never produce a ring... but I never really say, "No."

-Do you want to get married?
I do. Very much so. I want to have the whole shebang. I want the house and the husband and the caseroles and the PTA meetings. All of it.

-Has anyone ever told you they wanted to marry you?
Yes. i've mentioned this before, but once my mother told me I'd never be someone that one could date casually. You either marry me or you keep me as your mistress. I've been a mistress for far too long.
Ack! Spontaneous survey filling-out!

Fuck I'm supposed to kick this habit.

so today was a good day.

considering it was soooooo hot last night and I'm sick and I slept not so many winks it turned out to be a good.

I have a bad habit of getting overly neurotic if I spend too much time by ryself. and apres a while I tend to get sick of ryself pretty utterly. I was in danger of...
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yay! Do you like it?! I hope so!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! How fantastic!! Yay yay yay! hope you're doing something fun for yourself!
I got a futurama bucket - booyah!!!

I'm going to the melbourne aquarium with my friend susi on the morrow for free! Just as well I've
got 5 bucks til thursday. bah. I get to go for free because we are teachers and we are pretending that we might be planning an excursion. I also get to go to the museum and IMAX = I...
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yeah age really gets to you depending upon the context, really... I feel ancient when I'm around one group of friends who are all 18-21, but then another group of friends are all in their 30s, so suddenly I'm the kid!

I adored Melbourne. Wish I could have been there for a normal reason that would have allowed me to enjoy it to the fullest, but at the time I was religious and whatnot, and I was working for the church I was a part of back then (I won't say which, but you can probably guess based on my being from Utah and the fact I used to wear a suit every day)
yeah... i'd love to go back and actually experience the good stuff... closest I can was watching some the ANZAC day footy game at a pub.

Where out in country? I also lived out of the city (they moved me around a lot)... mostly western-ish vic and i spent about 5 months in tassie (they successfully removed the second head). But yeah, I lived in Bendigo and Seymour as far as non-melb VIC goes.
So I love beginning things with so.

I posted a poem in the poetry group so I though I might as well post it here too - It is a poem that I wrote some time ago about my inability to dance, true story - actually I'm getting better but still not in a conventional sense.

It is called

A Night at the Discotheque

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"Unco-ordinated Your Honour"

Kick ass smile
australie, c'est vraiment cool! pas trop chaud.

actually i came here to get away from montreal's mean winters. the summer is fantastic, but the cold is bloody cold.
i worked in retail through the xmas season this year, and although we didn't have a lot of festive decorations or music at this particular shop, we did have a lot of crazy people looking for a good deal. that made me dislike sales more than xmas.
this xmas was probably the best one i've had- i wasn't overly saturated with xmas things, i wasn't freezing my ass off, and i wasn't with my family.
This makes me laugh.

the new hit sitcom on it's way to a tv near you.
I do indeed. Music... mmm music.

I like music that moves me.
Hi smile
are you my ex boyfriend? you kind of look like him. but i don't think you are. smile Anyway.. thanks for checking out my video. i appreciate the love you left for me in comment form smile
There are times I wished I enjoyed the food cheese as much as the word cheese. Alas it too much.

I'm sick. bah. You can call me Captain Phlegm, Lord of the Cough.