As I take a break from fiddling with my new iPhone, I want to address a comic issue (see what I did there?) that I'm seeing more and more frequently these days: Company-ism.

What's Company-ism? Well, that's when someone walks into my store and proudly declares "Oh, I don't read books from "company x."

What? Are you serious?

It makes me sad to think...
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May I just say, I'll always be a DC gal. Still, thanks for the lesson nerdlinger. robot
My dear friend Archie recently suggested that I needed to start blogging. I knew she was serious because she used a lot of caps, and mentioned comics. Comics are what I do, and so comics are what I shall blog about!

First though, a little about me so that you know I'm not just talking out of my ass. I am currently 29, live in...
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Glad to see you have taken my advice! The new tattoo looks great! smile