Sponser me for Heart Walk 2006

So now that the investigation is over I am free to say that last night's investigation was of Six Flags. We got to head into the park after close. We didn't get as much time as we would have liked, but it was still so cool to wander around the park without all of the crowds.

Now for some...
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Sponser me for Heart Walk 2006

Added some pictures of myself and some friends finally.

This month is going to be a busy one for me.

This weekend I have the monthly meeting for the Ghost Hounds (the paranormal investigation group I belong to) in Cumming, GA (no lie...the actual name of the town). Afterwards we are going somewhere to do an investigation.

Next weekend...
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thank you! and i shall tell you about it when i see you next.
I decided to join my company's team for 2006 American Heart Association Heart Walk. I've been on a major helping people out kind of kick lately. It is rather strange, but it is giving me something to do.

If you feel like sponsering me, you can do so here.
Oh man, that sounds like so much fun! I'm jealous! frown
Thank you so much!!! <333 I really appreciate it! You have no idea what that means to me! blush
Tonight is the beginning of the NFL season, and my Steelers are playing. Love it or hate it football is ingrained into the American way of life. It is probably the one thing that I have left in common with my dad.

My relationship with my dad has changed over the years. When I was younger I always thought that we had a good relationship....
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surreal sometimes you just have to vent. sorry he can be such an ass.

it prompted me to think about my dad. i'm very lucky-- i'm actually a lot closer to him than i am with my mom. my mom is nice and all, but when it comes to emotional support, my dad is where it's at.
oh, and let me know if you end up coming down for training-- and i'll make an effort to come meet up for lunch or something.
So DragonCon is over and done (Pictures). It was a lot of fun seeing people that I haven't seen for a year, but it was strange being sober for the entire thing. It was a much different perspective and no where near as fun as it has been in the past.

It has now been eleven months since I stopped drinking. I can't...
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kudos on your sobriety. i know that it takes immense personal strength to make that decision and i wish desperately that someone i love would find that strength himself.

i love the photos! lego man is great!

i'm about two, two and a half hours from jacksonville-- why?
I am still somewhat recovering from my illness and starting to go off caffeine yet again (was only back on it for three months). Since being back on it I have felt pretty lousy so I am going to do my best to continue without it to see if I improve.

This weekend is DragonCon. I am looking forward to it just for the fact...
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you d. are awesome! thank you for solving my buggy mystery! aren't they fascinating?

have fun at dragoncon. i wish i had planned and saved appropriately so i could be up there.
i'm very well thinking i may come up for next year's dragon con. smile
I am back from my vacation. As usual it started off as a great week, then as luck would have it I got extremely sick on Monday. I tried to make the best of the week, but didn't get to do as much as I would have liked but it was still an okay time.
aw that sucks. but yet, it always seems to happen that way. i'm always sick over my winter break. actually, i think i'm coming down with something right now. i'm all sleepy and achey. which just makes sense, since it's looking like i'll have a day or two off work later this week thanks to hurricane ernesto. and i'll be too crummy feeling to enjoy being home.

thanks for the comment. to be quite honest, all is not that well in biblialand, but i prefer to post more cheerful journals. then i get cheery comments, and well-- it makes me feel more cheery. blush
haha, i love that my comment is longer than your journal.

blah, blah, blah.
Where oh where has Eeek gone, oh where oh where can he be...

First off I apologize for my quick disappearance.

Where I have been is the new job. It has been a lot harder than I first thought (something along the lines of they completely LIED about the state of affairs). I have spent the past two months just trying to get simple things...
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Going bye bye for a little while.
Sorry about the other day. You caught me RIGHT at the end of my work day. Please hit me up another time. Please?? blush
where are you? you need to come to the Vortex tonight.
Okay, time for a real update.

This week has been super busy, new job, drum circle, NiN concert, dinner with friends, and the weekend.

Now to break those down into their component parts.

The new job.
-So far it rocks (I've been using that word a lot lately. I really need to stop.)
-6:30AM is really early in the morning.
-The people I am working...
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It was nice meeting you as well.