$2.00 Tip From Anonymous


$1.00 Tip From Anonymous


$1.00 Tip From Anonymous


$15.00 Tip From Anonymous


Holy shit you turn me on! Not to sound creepy but your amazing I just want to throw my money at you, and fantasize about my hands all over you, but in a good respectful way lol I hope 15 bucks doesn't make you feel cheap unless you like to feel that way...

Thank you very much for your message, it's really nice to have support. Thank you so much for the tip, you made my day better!

$2.00 Tip From Anonymous


From harryw


J'avais simplement envie de passer ici pour te dire que tu es la plus incroyable à plus d'un niveau 🌷

$1.00 Tip From krugio


You're so sweet! Would love to play GameBoy with you! Lovely!


Thanks for the lovely comment @edsa i hope you have a good Tuesday and week and it was a honour to talk about your beauty for the 1st time and your debut set was amazing <3

$100.00 Tip From vinzolando


Pour t'aider à financer ton set, c'est un plaisir de te faire ce don

Merci beaucoup! J'ai trop hâte de réaliser ce set! <3