So I am apparently dumb. ....

This is ok... It's not a life threatening case of dumb, just a little like... DUH!

I thought one my best friends knew how I felt about him.... apparently not. So when I let that cat out of the bag.... umm. well... we are still friends, and life is still life... but it's well.... I feel naked.

Mind you...
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Oy. That sounds awkward.

At least your date went well. smile
How are things going? Feeling any better about it?
I hate that god forsaken bunny.

I spend a lot of my time awake at night. I like the night, and I like being a night walker, so all you day walkers can go fuck yourselves... wait... that's not right, I like you day walkers, you just all make me so nervous. I like the night, and the inky cloak that it lets me wrap...
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I miss the night. You just described some of my favorite times.
Well crap, that was no fun. I managed to survive the plague, but am now down for the count with girly parts being girly parts.

At least I have some decemberist songs to listen to.

I've been contemplating getting a real job again, but I am the WORST employee. I tend to stay home when I am sick and recover, and oddly enough... employers hate...
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1. Who was your first crush?
A similarly young redheaded lass by the name of Amber....
2. What do you want to be when you "grow up"?
Responsible, employed, and financially sound.... so far I've got #2 down.
3. Did you have a happy Easter?
Yes, I had a good time with a friend's family, then went to a friend's house for some roleplaying politics and intrigue.... with the occasional murder thrown in for good measure.
4. What was the last game you played?
Legend of the Five Rings
5. What is your favorite flower?
It's official. I am so very sick. I am sicker than I would prefer to EVER be.

I ended up not being able to do all of market.. which sucked.. but I really needed to be home and trying to get better.

So I'm hanging out watching bad TV and playing video games...

The next blog will have some of my work in it!

That sucks! Health first. Any good bad TV on?
awww thats not good! I hope you are feeling better by now!
So today was the first day of the Portland Saturday Market season. This is my second season at market, but my first season as a vendor coming in on the first day. I have never felt so much like I was back in school. If you spent more than a year in one high school you probably have experienced something akin to what today was...
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First days are always a lot of fun. There aren't enough people who want to spread their joy around. smile

But what did you sell?

I am so lame, Did all that glitter clog the pipes

I spent like an hour trying to clean that tub, but yes, indeed it did. The hotel people must mave been a little confused by that one wink

I think I got played.... yep. I fell for the emotional connection bullshit and slept with a guy.. on the first date. Yeah, i think I might be an idiot. I like the guy well enough, but now that almost a week has passed, I don't know if I am feeling it in the same way. I mean, i was STUPID for him the day...
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Sorry babe, I wish I could do something about your lonliness.
So I want to get back into SGPDX it looks like the only way to do this is to go to a brunch.. which are on sundays.... I work on sundays (well I am supposed to be there since it's my fucking booth). Maybe I can convince Cassie to watch my booth. I bet I can. She is awesome!

I bet she will be more...
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Yay that sounds like fun! I tried to get back into the Celeb gossip group...(I know really bad and slighly embarassing addiction) but they still havent taken me back frown I havent checked out any groups around here, I am sure there is a TO one but I am about an hour outside of there. Brunch sounds like fun, I hope you can make it!
Last night as I was coming home (OK technically it was 4:30 in the morning) I saw a something move out of the corner of my eye, near the last light before home. The light was red, and a coyote came just sauntering by, not disturbed by the presence of the car.

It was a really pretty animal, and looked more like a husky or...
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Wow, that's weird. There are deer around where I live, but very few carnivores. eeek

And I'm glad to hear your date went REALLY well. smile
Sooo.. that date... it went well. Like 20 hours well.


I went up to mount hood today and had a blast, it was sunny and awesome.. I did get sick on the way home though, but that is a whole nother story.

Squeeeee... I like him. blush
So I am going to go out today, and have a date type experience. This should be interesting, he is really into me, but I am worried that when he discovers that I may be small but I am not thin, that it might be the kiss of death. He is really hot though, and his voice made me want to melt.

I wonder if...
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Internet thing? Those can be tough. I'm sending you good vibes, though.

And remember, he's just as scared of you as you are of him. smile