I'm weird, thats why i'm on here. Good things going on after a month or two of bull shit. So I'm happy and i'm acting like it. Now i know barely anyone is looking at these on here, but meh, I'll keep doing this anyway because Community?


So I don't know how to get people to see these, but maybe someone will. Should i be posting these to the video section of Suicide Girls? Do people care about what guys have to say on this site or is it all about guys jerking it? I know I read allot of blogs...I don't post allot....but whatever...just curious.


If you watch this please let me know what you think about the situation described.


Quick blurg about the haps, my continued waiting to hear about a job. All that stuff going on in my life....I missed a bunch of stuff, like bar going and fun times but I'll just talk about that Wednesday.


Pep up buttercup, everything will be fine no matter what happens. The world keeps spinning, and you keep living. Do your best, and get what you want.


Well, lets just say I feel like I got beat with and emotional bag of quarters.

I can say more on here.....I got an offer for a job that greatly undervalued me and what i was expecting to be a life changing moment turned into a giant pile of shit. So here i lay, feeling like a bunch of crap, hoping that the next offer...
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I quickly talk about my weekend, and about the new possible job, and how crazed I have been the last few days.


Spent last night watching my friends dogs, It's nice to have infusions of cuteness in your life.


This was supposed to be about eating healthy and how to help people do that like myself but due to life crap, it changed to a talk about myself, and some deeper stuff I'm going through right now.


Well, my work found me out, luckily they are awesome, now all i have to do is wait.......I hate waiting, ugh.


I'm stressed, doubting myself, and need to sort through some things to get over a little hump right now. I believe I can achieve anything, or at least I'm going to keep telling myself that until I do believe it.


Posting these one here because who knows who might appreciate a nerd just talking about rando things in his life.