Howdy everyone. Sorry I haven't been around much. I hope you're all ok. I'm tired and stressed, but happy for the most part. School. work. Same old shit. surreal

In other news, I pretty much cut things off with that one guy, even though he sent me flowers. I'm not ready to date anyone else yet. He just made me miss Tim more.

Guess I'd better...
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I had a pretty darn good weekend...didnt have to work for one. Except last night I went and had drinks at the bar I work at and the girl working that night totally go her butt handed to her so I had to jump back there and help....Bartending drunk is fun. One for me one for you one for me one for me.
Saturday I got to eat out a lot and didnt have to pay for anything because other people were buying, thats always fun. And today I got to see Kill Bill Vol 2. Then I got on the computer and saw you and youre friend left me messages which makes me happy awwwwwww. I hope you had a good weekend too! Leave me a message sometime!
um....I forgot to say something, but now that im typing again....I forgot....Oh wait! I just wanted to say my typing and punctuation sucks. ok im done. biggrin

[Edited on Apr 18, 2004 10:54PM]
I just realized it's been a while since I've written anything of substance here.

The semester is boiling down to the final three weeks, and the next two weeks in particular are going to be sheer hell. I have four term papers due back-to-back from the 19th-22nd.

I also have to revise a paper from earlier in the semester, read a 517-page novel, and somehow...
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Be careful my friend. I dont know how this may impact the relationship you are already in. I understand that, perhaps he can take care of some physical needs that are pressing, but, there is too much stuff around town to take that kind of risk.

It is your decision, and I will help and support you whatever you decide. Just remember that I am a practising Nurse with strong backgrounds in a lot of different areas.

I know, I probably sound like a father here, which is not what I meant to do, just want to let you know of some of the risks as I see them. I do see the results of bad choices.

As always, Please feel free to email me personally or use AIM to catch me.

Good luck and Please, Please be careful.

Hugs and kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Man, I've totally been in your position before. Every situation is different, it's best just to go with the flow. I always kept my long-distance love informed, even if I knew he'd be a little upset. In the end, things just worked themselves out. They always do.
Alright, folks, I have a new folder of pics. Prepare to see more than you probably ever wanted to of me. :o)
Well, it's probably not going to work for two reasons. First, and most important, no one is paying attention to this little sidebar. Second, I think everyone doubts the existence of my kickass Spongebob undies. But yeah, no one's going to get jealous, so your plan has been foiled. Mwuhahahaha!

(I blame this cheesy, stupid comment on writer's block and procrastination.)
The first quote of the night WILL be the first line in some classic novel. The one I intend to write. biggrin
I'm so fucking pissed off. Read the following article:

Georgia House bans genital piercings for women
Received by Newsfinder from AP

ATLANTA (AP) Genital piercings for women were banned by the Georgia House Wednesday as lawmakers considered a bill outlining punishments for female genital mutilation.

The bill would make such mutilation punishable by two to 20 years in prison. It makes no exception for people...
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The conservative movement seems to win another one. Mercy, lets all go back to the catholic crusades. Mercy... All these things done in the name of Jesus, the greatest JEW who ever lived. Think about it people. What religion did Jesus practise? Then you will know. Self rightouse folks who have nothing better to do than to ban piercings, ban the words under god from our pledge of alligeance. Even the Navy's enlist oath lets you swear to god or affirm.... Political correctlness will end up being the death of us all.

Did this make any sense?

Be Well everyone, especially my friends.

Hugs and kiss kiss kiss kiss
If that isn't scary enough, I just read the headlines on the constitutional amendement to ban gay marriage in GA. I miss Atlanta a lot at times, but the ignorant rednecks from the boonies I can live without. Geez. What a bunch of fucking morons.

Anyway, the weekend is nigh upon us. Hope yours is a good one. biggrin ARRR!!! biggrin
I can't wait 'til I have high speed internet at home and can view SG photosets on my own friggin' computer. You know, instead of at work. Not that anyone cares where I work. There have been issues with people flooding the computers with downloadable porn. But, not only is there nothing downloadable about SG, I wouldn't classify it as porn, m'self. Just good...
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Bettas rock. Long live Charlie VIII. Way back in the day, my parents, whilst attending the U of Florida, raised tropical fish to make some extra cash. May the financial aid gods rain manna down upon you! smile
So, were there 7 previous Charlies? That's a lot of Charlies.
I'm alive!

Arkansas was fun... Spent quality time with parentals, saw Gillian Welch in concert at a neat little bar, met the fucking hottest guy I've ever seen (who has a girlfriend, but oh well), and got a little rest and relaxation.

Oh, and I got a couple of little things on my car fixed. Got a new sideview mirror from a junk yard. Got...
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Ugh... I remember those days returning from spring break... Sometimes they were not fun at all. Mercy... Good luck this semester.

hugs and kiss kiss
haha i totally understand about the whole school issue... even tho ive juss been slacking off even more than i was before. yah... ive gotta get it together. i spent spring break sleeping cuz i didnt get much sleep at all over the entire first half of this semester... i juss cant wait till may..... juss cant wait smile
Guess what?

It's cold and rainy in northwest Arkansas.

Oh, Jayde... I remembered why I was so sure it's colder here than in Va.: Much higher altitude.


My dad made me cry yesterday and my 7Up tastes like asparagus.

But, other than that, things are going well.
who ever came up with that stereotype needs to be poked in the ass for all of eternity with a very sharp spork...

cuz they suck!!

bunches of poop heads----->bok
Hot and dry in Fort Lauderdale yesterday. I got pretty red just doing the beach thing in only 2 hours yesterday. No pain today though! Good thing I guess.

Arkansas.... Mercy......

Be well,

Hugs and kiss
It's sunny, but kinda' cold. Katie got me out of bed today. She needed a ride to the station. Katie is so awesome. I'm thinking I might have to pass along the gift of SG to her next time I get paid. She and her boyfriend would absolutely LOVE it.

I leave town tomorrow night! It will be so nice to get out of here...
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I move almost once a year. Really like a change of scenery, get to know that layout and then, poof, on I go. Hopefully when I make a little money, I can apply that to Europe too. In two weeks I'm moving back to California. This time it's a different kind of move though. This time there's a point.

The first two seasons of CSI kicked my ass (in a good way). This last one's been a little...less plausible (if that means anything applied to a TV show). I have Tivo (best and worst purchase ever!) so I get to see more TV than I should. That'll change sooner than later. Bye.

Lou miao!!
Kinda cold? See, we had "kinda cold" today. It started snowing for a bit today. I never thought I'd say it, but I'm actually a bit sick of it.

I really like your fortune cookie fortune. It really is true.
Okay, so I dragged my tired, nauseous ass out of bed this morning and went to my British Novel class only to find a sign on the door saying it was cancelled. Lovely! Oh, well. It made me get up early. Now I have all day to waste until my 5 p.m. class.

It must be my lucky day. Two different attractive and intelligent guys...
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This is going to be the most agonzing week of classes of the entire semester. It's the week before spring break, the weather is beautiful, the birds are chirping... And I'm going to be stuck in classrooms or at the office.

I should think of it in terms of numbers. There are 96 hours in the next four days, and I'm only going to be...
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oh my god that was fuckin hilarious.... a flaming bag of poo... that is soo gonna be my pile of poo now... smile and i dedicate and the genius power to u... biggrin lol i have a short complex too! lol im like uhm 4 11... yah i found out at the doctors yesterday that i managed to shrink an inch... frown really not cool. i used to be like 5 feet exactly says my medical record but im shrinking obviously. lol. i have a lot of BIG/TALL shoes cuz im soo short. lol u could feel tall around me... lol cuz im like what 5 inches shorter than u... lol wink


why is it getting os hard to go to class all of a sudden.. i mean it used to be fine in the begining even when i knew it was gonna be boring... now its like oh look... im 10 mins late... uh not going now... grrrrrr. damn the warm weather!!!! mad but i sooo sooo love the sun and the warm weather... lol biggrintongue

[Edited on Mar 08, 2004 3:59PM]
lol from the sounds of it... uve probably been doing the same thing... lol