lets see i have not posted on this site in almost 9 mounths so i thought i would do a update.

well i got a new viecale it is a 2002 ford explorer fully loaded. i like it but i wish it was a chevy though.

well i am still single and hoping to find someone soon since it has been 2 years 1 mounth...
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i got a car again all i have to do is put ball joints and cv boot axels on and fix a gasket and it is ready to go off-road again.
No. No off roading...
at least until after Buffalo.
i was told to make a new blog so here it gose

monday - i started and quit my new job as a grounds keeper. DON'T ever do grounds work it sucks. that was monday.

tuseday - hung out at the peddlar with luke all night

wednesday - caught up on sleep and played a little wow (world of war craft for the non-gamers out...
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well i have the trany almost out it is being held on by 5 bolts right now. hopefuly it will be out by the end of this weekend if it is i will be happy.

then i can go off-roading again with out it breaking down hopefuly.

and net week i should be looking for a new job.
well the trainsmission went in my new truck but it is going to be fixed by saturday witch is good
well my truck was stuck in 2 feet of mud this weekend and vandlized to the point that it is not legal for road use. Me and luke thought it was dead but some how it is sitting in my driveway able to run.

the sad part is i thought i could wipe my hands clean of it but it will not die.

luke thinks...
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i have just one little thing to say.

how do you know when a gril actuly likes you as more then a friend. because i can't tell it gose past my vast knowlage of how human nature proseves different things in life.

if someon one can help me out that would be great.

i am realy tired of being alone in life i really need to feel some one close to me again. the worst thing about it is i just want someone to just sit close to me and watch a movie, give me a hug when they see me and just hang out with me (that is female), just someone to make me feel like i...
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i was in a pit of depair a few months ago.. so i know where you are coming from. so your not alone.
you gotta look at all the little things that make you happy. find something that keeps you going.. start calling people to hang out with. (for example - i am throwing a party for my freind this saturday. hes turning 21. and it'd be great if you and luke, and who-ever could come help us celeberate his birthday. you can meet new people who are awesome, and have some fun!)
to get myself out of the rut somewhat.. i got on anti-depressents. they have helped alot. and i had to re-evaluate my life, and make some life decisions. (you actually helped in that.. with the tarocards). i had to make a list of things i wanted to change about myself, and things i wanted to do to make me happy. and slowly.. i am able to cross things off. and it is working. im not where i want to be yet.. but iknow if i keep going, and keep my head up, ill get there eventually.
and i know you will too.
dont give up.
ide miss you. and your silly jokes and stories. your smiling face that seems happy to see me.

phone # - if you need to talk to anyone.. my phone is always on. (860) 205-8759. aim - EatTheMeek37 .
feel free to call.
and i hope ill see you on saturday... cause it'll be alot of fun! ooo aaa
I was summoned to add you...