Greeting from the spanish front,

I am well these days. I must after 7 full months here, I really have the system down. Comming here with nothing and making something , that is not easy work. But I have done it. I am living well and doing good. I am well known around town as the local english professor from LA. Not so bad.
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I was looking back at some of my old post. You were one of the first people to leave a message in my journal. Just wanted to stop by and say hello. Are you in Spain? One of my close friends just came back from Spain. He spent 2 months there and he loved it.
well team I finally made it to barcelona this past weekend and it was great. If one gets the chance to make it to spain, barcelona is a must. Unlike the back country where I am at, there are alot of different people in barcelona. A person can find a place here quick if you speak the native languages or not.
there is a lot...
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2 Dead Cats . Great Group. Catalan rock/punk rocks best.
Well, I pay for this, so might as well use it. Its been a while since I wrote anything here. A month from the looks of anything. But, alot has happened in that month. I met a nice young gal here. She is a writer for the local newspaper. Not a bad catch. But after going out with her a couple of times, it is...
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I found a place to live. After 4 months of living in a office with no shower, hot water, kitchen, tv, bed, and all kinds of nice things that make life easy and healthy, I have finally found a place to live. And its cheap !
A short 15 minute walk from the school is my new home. A nice big flat with all the...
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Wow long time no writing. I am glad no one read this regularly, I might be in trouble.
Anyway, all is well here in lovely spain. Being gironas most famous american after Lance Armstrong, I am quite well know around town. The holiday season gave me a chance to get around to new places and meet new people. All very good. But nothing really exciting....
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those damn cleaning ladies!
Why is it when you forget about that one girl, thats when she comes back into your life ? When I came hear to spain I was living with this really special gal. But then she decide to go back to her ex, she stoped talking to me, and threw me out onto the street with no place to live. I have since picked myself...
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well team, good old DJ Robert has made the big time in little spain. After my stint on the radio here, it seems I have a fan. 2 as a matter of fact. The guys from the show got together last night and when a small group of people discovered who we were, they got us drinks, and chated for a long while. Not so...
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Well life in spain is always andventure for me. This weekend proved to be filled with a a surprise or two. First my DJ gig on the radio went very well. The bossman reallyed like the music I played. I was able to get on the air the desendents, hepcat, big bad voodoo daddy ( the swing music really took the crew by surprise ),...
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well, nothing has been going right these days. everything is oving too slow, and I dont seem to have any luck. My lady friend here in spain seems to have vanished. She has really gone out of here way to avoid me. Kind of annyoing really. I am after all, going back to your ex is one thing, but the skip out on your friend...
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I am doing well here in lovely spain. Teachign is going a ok and I spend my nights with spanish DJs. As a matter of fact, on december 12 I will join there ranks as I will start playing music on the radio. Not bad. I came to spain with nothing, and in 3 months I have created a nice little life for myself.
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