I have so many things from today i just really want to get off my chest. And right now i feel i don't have a friend in the world to listen to me. I can sit here and be the queen of this pity party, but a) i have about 15 minutes before the NyQuil takes full effect and b)it won't solve anything.

I'm a...
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Yea I always seem to hit a wall when I am doing good too. I quit smoking and was on a good workout regimen and was on a good path, then I totalled my car. Started gaining everything I lost right back on and have had pain when I attempt to work out. It always seems to get harder starting back up again.
You seem pretty motivated, I am sure you will be where you want to be before you know it. smile
Ask me about my total class act tongue

Studio time and studying for anatomy finals don't mix.It can only end with boys with distended eyes, dislocated jaws and me with an eat shit grin. If they ask, tell em Dose taught ya wink
Maybe i really do need to move across the damn country or overseas to keep my dirty whore mouth shut.
Is that like a known cure? lol If so, I am going to have to have some GIANT UPS sized boxes at the ready for a couple of bitches my way. tongue
So maybe having 2 glasses of absinthe and listening to emotion sickness on loop wasn't the healthiest thing i've done in the past month given the circumstances, but it sure as fuck helped
I miss drinking...and smoking...and spicy foods.

And all of my other favorite vices that i had to give up to live comfortably until i get the roto-rooter treatment. I want a smoke so bad i've been baking and making all sorts of confections like a mad woman. I'm going to give everyone i know diabetes by the end of this.

Only 7 weeks to go...
you're right, the original was a chick. the only one i remember from that show is the pink one cus she was cute.
Lmao, before reading zoo's comment, I watched the cartoon, and from that I was going to suggest something along these lines ....

Its flavored too wink
Ummmm, her assumption was incorrect, but you didnt say if mine was or wasnt. By process of elimination, I conclude that I was correct but you dont like strawberry and have a case of citrus flavored hiding in your closet? tongue lol
Mmmmmm, internet justice wink

In other news, lots of interesting things going on. I will try to sum them up the best I can

-Last minute midterms no es bueno
- 1 month left in the semester es muy bueno
- Another friend got an awesome column of her own
- Had a blast at the Airborne Toxic Event show despite annoying hipsters. They kept it...
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haha yes internet justice indeedwink

And no problems, I try to not be a raging cunt most of the time, but I simply cannot stand people defending creeps when it's obvious that they are out of line. My best friend in the world was a victim of incest, so I've seen what it can really do and how it destroys families. For someone to trivialize it by showing it as common smut pornography really infuriates and disgusts me--no one should have to go through it, and no one should take pleasure in it either--it's an evil thing.
So apparently, as i was informed interestingly enough today, I have at least 4 girlfriends and no fewer than 7 boyfriends. 2 of which are dogs (boy and girl). And we're all having emotional affairs on each other, with each other.

Yea...sounds like business as usual. whatever
I fear i may be a genuinely good person, which unfortunately in this day and age is read "doormat".
You and me both, Tired of the " Oh your so sweet" line. Its bullshit. Tired of being the "white knight". /sigh
you and i need to hang out more often then. some of my assholery might rub off on you.wink
Just for the sake of saying so, yes i AM alive.

I've been getting over the flu and have some interesting adventures. And school, of course whatever
A good friend of mine (how good? I was her maid of honor wink) recently just got the job of her life and i could not be more happy. She is now shop manager for Infinite on south street...
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friends friend used to work either there or the other one a few doors down on the same side of the street, forget the name of the place. really only knew it because of its proximity to Jim's
I'm diggin the new profile pic. wink