I have a dillema. I know that this relationship I am in with Meg is not going to work out, and I even regret letting her take my virginity. Now, I am not usually one to engage in exercises in futility. If I know that somehting isn't going to work, I stop doing it. My problem is that I am concerned about Meg's feelings. Call...
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You have to do whatever feels right for you. By the sounds of what you have written, this just isn't going to work out because of the cultural differences. What your friend Logan thinks of you shouldn't matter a jot, it's how YOU feel about it all. If this is the right decision for you, then you have to do it.

As for rebound time, again, it's up to you. At the end of the day, it has to be about what makes you happy smile

Love and kisses
Michelle xx
sound to me like you have someone else in mind.

do what feels right.
I sold my car yesterday. I sold it to Amy for $300. Why did I sell my only means of conveyance? My brother bought a 2002 VW Jetta, and my parents gave me the car he used to drive, a 1992 Honda Accord. I like that car. My parents fucking rock, eh? They only asked me for $300 so they could fix the CV joints....
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I feel horrible. First, I'm sick. My throat is sore. I can't swallow anything without a lot of pain, and my lymph nodes are swollen. Right now I'm on Vicodin so that I can go to sleep later. I also don't like screaming in pain whenever I swallow.

I also feel horrible because I said some very hurtful things to my best friend. We had...
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Well, it happened. I went on my date with Meg. We stayed at her house and watched Napoleon Dynamite. We were making out infrequently during the movie. Then, after the movie was over, we started making out more. I took her shirt and bra off, and started playing with and sucking her nipples. She thought that she heard her mom, so she put her...
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i saw your post in the dating sucks group... nice work man, it's always fun times to find a girl who puts out on the first date tongue
Hey, thanks for your newswire story. Unfortunately we ran one on that topic already, so I don't think we're going to use yours. But I appreciate your taking the time to write it up and submit it!

I've got a hot date on Sunday, but it isn't with Amy. I decided that I was sick of all the mixed signals, and I happened to meet this really cute girl (who has a killer body) when I went bowling today (today still being Thursday to me, since i have not gone to sleep yet). We met, flirted for a little while,...
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I got to hang out with Amy today. She rode in my car to a Japaneese restaurant and then from the local mall back to her house. It was fun. We talked about anal sex, of all things. I was saying how, on the east side, I would have no problem flashing "the Shocker" to random people, but, on the west side, I wouldn't dare,...
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Well, I've been rejected once again. Sadness comsumes me.

God, I am such a fucking drama queen.

Anyhow, I can stop pining away for Amy. She likes one of my friends, and that's that. I moped about it earlier today. When asked what was wrong, I just said that I was tired. I'm still going to offer her a ride to and from the college....
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So, I'm about to go to school. I have a funny feeling that [REDACTED]
does not like me in the same way I like her. I think she likes this guy she got involved with last semester.


So, I'm driving on a country road, and I am approaching a sign. The sign says "Welcome to Square One". I look around. I've been here before....
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Don't watch soppy movies. They are soul sapping. Drink whiskey instead.

I was kind of joking... I couldn't watch any movies tonight because I was too busy working on my speech project.
Oh my fucking God!

Sealab 2021 is hilarious! They had Grizzlebees commercials that were selling a dish called "The Shocker", and it looked like this:

They made it with sausages and a muffin.

"Two in the pink and one in the stink!"

I'm quite surprised that Turner Standards and Practices allowed them to get away with that...
the block party in MADISON.

The mifflin street block party.


they had to put a 4 keg LIMIT on houses.

I'm telling you. The block party. Google it. Check the WI group.
Irish? Metric? Chilli?
I have a social life!

For the longest time, I have been socially avoidant. Why? Chalk it up to high school. Hell, chalk up 99% of my problems to high school. I was one of those kids that was always being picked on. This caused me to avoid social situations because they were ainful to me. Well, I've finally come out of my shell.

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I happen to be a janesvillian, though I've been living in madison lately.

We were just there yesterday looking for some grass.

Going to the block party?

Guess who I said was going to be the next Pope?

Now guess who the new Pope is?

If you guessed Ratzinger for both, you would be right. I just won $15, baby!!! w00t! Fucking awesome, eh?
Once again, I am a total wuss.

I hate being in love. It sucks. Well, at least this part. Sunday I got the impression that the girl I like liked someone else. Then I was told today by one of my friends that he thinks that she likes me, and apparently he's good at spotting shit like that. I'M SO FUCKING CONFUSED!!!

She did seem...
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There are people on here from all over the place! Machesney Park? My girlfriend's dad lives there. I have been to Machesney and Love's park way too many times for a city boy. I'm going to Rockford for a wedding in 3 weeks! I have good friends and family in Chicago but I won't get to see them because the girl I'm dating has us going to see one of her old Rockford friends get married. Oh well.

Are you shy? My problem is I'm not shy enough. A good friend told me once that you have two choices in life. To be inconvenienced or bored. I don't know if fear of boredom has a clinical name but I suffer that. See, what I do when I meet a girl, is imagine the timeline of the relationship. 1st, she thinks I'm crazy but is interested enough to continue seeing me. Then, she'll start liking me and want to do as much as she can with me. Then comes the part where she loves me but she doesn't know why I don't show my love. And, finally I visualize her throwing things at me and calling me names when I do whatever I did to fuck every thing up.

This is all bad advice. Don't listen to me. There are millions of people you're compatible with or not compatible with. There aren't as many opportunities. Don't let them pass you by or you'll go crazy wondering what would have happened if you had actually said or done something.

Oh, and by the way, I really like the Backyard Grill (on State?) and Baccus, downtown Rockford.