christmas parties, gotta luv em. got one tonight over in philly. should be fun. i think i'm still fucked up from last night, but nothing a couple beers won't fix, put me right back where i was. 1 more christmas present to get and then i'm fuckin done! smile might go to canada for new years eve, 7 hr. drive, that ain't shit! gotta bring in...
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hey dj biggrin just wanted to see how your doing and say merry christmas and happy new year. i hope everything is working out for you and canada for new years that should be fun, i have a couple of different things i could do for new years either a house party at my brothers or going downtown and seeing what trouble i can cause down there wink be safe and hopefully ill chat with you soon kiss
Christmas shopping suxs, i find too much shit i wanna buy myself. i have been getting into the christmas spirit with the lights and music though. always try to make the best of a bad situation. i ain't buyin a lot for peoples this year cause i am broke as shit. please let me win the lottery for christmas santa! i mean satan! ARRR!!!
ahhhh snap yo! i'm back in town and ready to party for the holidays. christmas is right around the corner ya know! i won't be travelin for work again until the end of january. smile next adventure is Jamacia, blunts and red stripe all day long for 7 days, can't wait. my sister is getting married out there, so its gonna be one big party and...
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well... got fuckin wasted on the night before thanksgiving!
Left a club here in chicago and saw some snow on the parked cars outside, so me and my bro had a snowball fight with the taxi's driving around. Needless to say we won, its not like the cab drivers can get out of thier cabs. Anyway, had a good thanksgiving dinner. It was...
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hey dj biggrin sounds like you had fun hope the rest of your weekend was good. sucks your still in chicago frown but hey atleast your out doing something. well i just wanted to pop in and say hi and see how your doing i guess ill chat with you later
Yeah, what Olsen said. Let the Reader be your guide.For the most part we're pretty nice here...just check out a neighborhood bar, maybe one with specials going on (the burgers, the wings, the horse-piss beer...) and you're bound to meet someone who knows what's going on later.
hey dj biggrin well that sucks your in chicago working on thanksgiving tongue well i hope you find some kick ass party and get really drunk and hook up with some chick. well have a good weekend and hopefully ill chat with you later.
hey hey hey. gotta love being home for a while. hangin w/my friends, i love it! goin out 2nite to party in philly, should be fun. winter is finally here, it is colder than a witch's titty outside! brrrrrrr. chicago definatly will be colder though, watch out! eeek
i love my hometown, i am home now till thanksgiving, i gotta go to chicago over thanksgiving! whatever i'll have fun. i just got back from washington dc last night and had an ok time. didn't party much there, but there will always be a next time. shy town rulez it though. i'm home chillin w/ my peeps right now gettin ready to go out...
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hey dj biggrin just wanted to stop in and say hey and hope you have a great weekend try not to drink to much. see you around
well i finally made it home, it took me 1 1/2 days to drive home from texas but i made it! who's the man! that was the worst, i started to go crazy and had to talk to myself to keep myself awake. oh well i m back home and ready to party tonight. i'm goin to chicago for a few days this week, i...
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First and formost F Bush! Enough polotics for now. my day is going ok i'm in texas still, but leaving tomorrow to drive back to jersey. jersey represent! be home soon. i'm thinkin of getting a black cowboy hat n puttin some scull and crossbones on it and some cop glasses for the ride. i'll pillige and blunder and ride the seven states all the...
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hey there i thought i would stop in and say hey and see how things are going in texas and yeah get the cowboy hat then you will fit in just fine out there biggrin
smile today was a little better. it was a little crazy this morning w/work but it got better. chilled and watched a movie tonight. can't wait to get out of texas and back to jersey. don't forget your roots. this election shit is annoying. till next time..... ARRR!!!