Oingo Boingo - i stand defeated

i am sick. i hate it. i have a paper due tomorrow that i am just going to have to finish tomorrow. also i can not miss my first class as i have another paper to hand in.

feel like crap. figure i will watch Terrorvision and smoke.

no a get together thing would be cool, me and rayna like pretty crazy movies, especially gorey and horror type films, so I know that the two of us would be down for that type of shit..
and that's better then borrowing, because then i dont have to remember to return the videos!

i hope your paper writing goes well.. i'm off to starting mine now...
i like little girls. biggrin
tonight was a pretty good night. worked and then watched an XFiles with Jen. we had some pizza. prior to this...i had a decent class day. working on this awful paper about some awful book.
i did get a call from the ex(though there have been, ahem, a few...hahah. ) all the way from new york city! hm. it was pretty nice to talk with...
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Ooh watch it with those ex things. I was once that ex.

And I totally know what you mean about the telepathy thing. I get that a lot.
Yay for weirdos! kiss
I think we should have another get together. Invite only perhaps. There are a lot of unpleasent weirdos around here... smile
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1 2 3
1 2 3

It seems to be working! wink
i had a good time at the Iowa City get together. i wish i could have stayed later but i was late to get home as it was and the lady friend was not happy. i bought her some flowers after work today and promised her i would not be drunken and tired when she gets home from work. we were so busy at work...
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A monthly thing would be good for me as well. I wish you could have stuck around later last night, too. You seem like a good guy. Nice to meet you.
It was great meeting you, too!

Roxy Music: I loved the few songs I heard - but they were really a few only, so I do not have an opinion yet.

i cant believe we all killed the pope! with our sins. every day i woke up, knowing that i was contributing to the death of this holy figure, every morning i knew my life was only going to create more pain and discomfort for those closest to me.

and then we killed the pope. i felt lousy at first. he was the first person we'd...
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Pope killer!

You rock.
a pretty nice day out today. i still haven't gotten my contacts in the mail so i am stuck wearing my glasses. they aren't even cool "hipster" glasses with horn rims or any of that, they are just the type that help you see. i guess that is a good thing, and my fashion sense is pretty much shot anyway. other than that i did...
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looking forward to meeting ya on Friday biggrin
watched Rollerball tonight (the original with james caan) it was so good. just the right amount of sci fi social commentary and cheese. i loved every minute. i guess they remade this movie, but i have not...what am i talking about? fuck remakes. anyway. things are going pretty well. worked tonight,. it rained and we were busy. got to work with Rachel, whom i have...
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excellent profile picture, by the way.
excellent profile picture, by the way.
watched Hang Em High the other night.

what a great movie.

tonight we watched the new TCM. it was okay.
not as bad as i thought it would be, but also kind of boring and....well what do you expect? it's a cash in.

other than that, i got a bunch of comics in the mail (Superman 205-211) and rented The Eye. have yet to watch...
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thanks very muchsmile we are getting together in IC?

[Edited on Apr 11, 2005 11:01PM]
a new leaf. a leaf that doesn't drink as much and spend so much money. that is the leaf i am. or trying to be. and doing okay at it, but even at 138afternoon i could sure use a beer.

it is getting really nice out and we only have about five weeks left of class. i will be taking summer classes and such, but...
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i've been listening to the faint a lot recently... they're cool...

i never read magazines, I don't understand popular culture very well

it was a good day. just feeling a bit on edge, a bit...attacking.

had a good day. feel i need to pay more attention to my girlfriend, but....i sound like an asshole, i am just so used to her being there. i guess i take her for granted.

such is life.

eager for a Iowa City get together. could be cool.
I'm against the smoking and drinking, but if people want to thats up to them. I'd just like to go somewhere comfortable for everyone. This is going to rock, so get POSITIVE. smile
Also, come join the SG Iowa group!
The Cure - accuracy (boys dont cry)

hello. last night was a great time. my friends Molly and Jim came over and we hadn't hung out in a long time. Jen and i went to pick up Molly and we all watched Drop Dead Gorgeous, i was outnumbered, but i thought it was okay. kind of a chick flick, dark comedy, vibe, alright.
later when...
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