hey anyone and everyone...

my life is pretty much consumed by three things right now...

finding a new work
hanging with a friend of mine with the Big C. He's started to accept that he may not live to see the end of the year...so I'm trying to be the best distraction for him that I can.

I have a distinct feeling I'm...
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ya for turning points!

i set on every other month!

i'm really sorry to hear. but i do find it nice to hear that he has a friend like you sticking by him.
Well the fundraiser went well. It was small - but we drank a lot and raised $300.

I'm looking for a new job - the hour and a half commute is killing me.

Anyone have any good leads?
I've never seen it and I probably wont be able to use my bathroom again if I do!
Well - I've got some news to report. I'm holding a party/political fundraising event at the Firehouse Lounge in Pittsburgh's Strip District on April 26th. It's for a local PAC called Run, Baby, Run that was formed to recruit and assist women in running for state office. They want to affect the way our crazy ass commonwelath is run - especially after the smarmy ass...
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dating definitely sucks in pittsburgh
Hey there, sorry it's taken me a few days to reply but work is still kicking me in the sack. frown Basically, our job is to verify the identity of every person who opens an account with our firm, which entails running their SSN in a database, and also running their home phone number and legal address to make sure they're also legit. If we're not able to verify on our end, we have to get a copy of their SS card, phone bill and/or utility bills/lease/rental agreement as appropriate. Sounds like fun, no? Plus, if they've opened an account for an entity, like a trust or corporate account, we also need paperwork verifying the existence of the entity - trust documents, articles of incorporation, partnership agreements, and so on ad infinitum. We get faxes that are converted to PDF form and emailed to us, which we print out for processing, then barcode for scanning if they are validated, then copy again so we can have a copy in hand in case they disappear during the scanning process. puke I go through at least a ream of paper on an average day, and I'm one of about 25 or so people in my department. So yeah, we don't allow people to light matches around the office. biggrin What really sucks is that a lot of what we do isn't even statutory under the Patriot Act, it's out legal dept's interpretation of the law as well as making sure that we are covered in case of an audit.

Regarding your post, it at least sounds like you're doing something productinve and worthwhile. I hope to have more time to be politically active after the work situation settles down, knock on wood. And yes, I do find myself wondering "why" quite a bit these days. Especially when I'm at work. tongue
eh. I'm in a really weird place right now. a new journal coming soon
Yeah... I've heard PGH called worse. wink

Hope you're better soon.
yup...that's a new profile pic.

She's my friend's niece. I've been adopted as the crazy uncle - so to speak.

I've been helping take care of my friend while her son was in Children's Hospital here in Pittsburgh. That's why I havent been around much since the SuperBowl.

So what's been going on? I bunch of crazy stuff...

I'm in a really weird place. I've...
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We won that?

I guess I have to cheer out of obligation because of where I live eh?
ok, ok... go Stillers!
honestly I was kind of bummed. If I had heard it when I was 18, i'd be into it, but not after jawbox and burning airlines and channels. It seems like a regression for him.

I watched the last Steelers game at a Steelers bar in NYC, standing room only. Definitey an interesting way to learn about football for the first time!
I need to wake up...someone pinch me...please
Hells ya! - to the steelers...playoff freaking bound!
Jesus - what a last couple of weeks.

First - a friend that i work with who is in
Demis of Eros just got signed to Strike first Records which under the Facedown Records umbrella. Congrats!

Then I get an e-mail from an old friend (who happens to also be a high school ex-girlfriend) saying she's coming to Pittsburgh with a few friends for her...
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"The last two women I've dated /been with have been totally unlike anyone before..."

Excellent. biggrin I've come to the conclusion that a person sticking to their "type" is basically the perpetuation and repetition of a series of failed experiments. Variety kicks ass. It makes life spicey, don't cha know!

It sounds like things are good for you! That makes me go like this: smile
It's good you can be friends with your ex.

I can't seem to.

After you spend a day in a society who's prevailing philosophy is 'Why make small problems when you can creat a holocaust?' you must navigate your way home with people that use the same philosophy in their driving.

There is no such thing as dusk in the city.

Anyone remember 2nu?

What a week this has been... eeek

Remember that blind date that went well?...
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i warned you! next time you should listen. i have a lot of information up in the lil brain of mine. biggrin
Blind dates? Ughh. Blarggh. Yeah, I feel your pain. So awful.