THe cops told us that they have confiscated more guns in the parking lot of my work than anywhere else in town in the last two weeks. Yikes eeek
Everybody's got one.

And the first time I tried, it was already taken. I'm guessing he or she acted the part and got zotted. So I worked that one letter into a number and did the capslock bit.

Back in my punk scene days I never had a punk rock nickname. I was known pretty well around town (because the band I'd been in) and as such, it was never possible to get myself one.

When I moved here, I wanted to establish such a name for myself. But it not only had to be a good one. It needed to be one that if someone called me that while I was hanging out with someone from work I wouldn't have to explain the nickname. Some of the derby girls started to call me "Fez." That won't do, it's a stupid character from a TV show I don't particularly care much for.

With a name like "Asshole," if someone from the scene walks up and says "Hey, Asshole!" and a family member is visiting or I'm with someone from work I can just look surprised and say "What's that guy's problem?" Guys with names like "Mohawk Mike," "Worm," "Bane," "Jello Biafra" or even "Dirk Vermin" can't pull that off.
I seriously need a vacation. A real one with beaches and dark skinned natives and TGIfridays. OK, no TGI's. shocked
sign me up for the beaches and dark skinned natives... ill pass on the tgi fridays tho... but how about a pina colada with a little pink umbrella?
A vacation? What's one of those??? confused
I went on the first formal job interview of my life last week. Weird. I probably didn't get the job but that's ok. I'm lovin the job I have. smile biggrin
Got my Resume together and submitted my first application this week. Work now seems a little less depressing. biggrin
Good Luck !!! ooo aaa
18 not including trailers and a couple wrecks I take nuts, bolts and bits from. biggrin It does include a forklift and three work trucks though. The running/not running split is probably close to even.
Took a few days off of work and the computer and feel refreshed. For a few minutes anyway.
I really need to do that right now. Just the chance to do it would be fantastic.
it is good to take a break from the computer. I can't take finger pic, my lense is in the shop in NJ.....as soon as it comes back I'll take a pic..it's my middle finger on my right hand, the whole top front part was immersed in smoking hot oil in a saute pan....let me tell u, I felt like a real asshole when it happened blush
So the denial has slowly worn away that the place I have worked 17 of the last 24 years will close in a little more than a year. There is no future here. What to do? Well. I have been a chef for 11 years in 7 different restuarants so I'm not too worried about a job, but I want one better than this one...
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biggrin biggrin biggrin
Cheers broseph.
Sorry to hear about your work.
Every once in a while I find a record that is THE record I listen to every day when I drive home from work.
Past examples
Nick Cave-No More Shall We Part
Bonnie Prince Billie-Master and Everyone
and I usually hang onto it for 6 months to a year, every day. I think I have a new one
Cat Power-The Greatest
I don't know what...
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cat power eh? I've heard the name, I'll keep an ear out. the greenhornes are my latest non-stop favorite.
Drop me a line if you're planning on riding out here again & want some company, I've got a bike I need to use more often. Two vehicles = a shuttle system to the top of the hill for the insta-death downhill trails, but I'd just as soon get a lung workout since I've got a decent non-smoking streak going (4 months!).
Oh yeah. The buses are fucking scary here too!
I hate to keep sounding like the weather man. But it is so fucking nice here. If I didn't have to work I would be nowhere near this goddamn computer.
I tried something new. Yes I'm 44 years old and went on a treadmill for the first time this week. Twice. Kinda liked it. Especially with my mp3 player. I got the mp3 Christmas before...
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Thanks, I was in SGvegas when I ran across your pic. My back is doing better, thanks for asking, a little sore but not like before. I see that you still have a flaim in front of you...hope all is well. smile

Hell yeah! APU and Geezers are great! Ya cooking me something good over there? wink
I missed going to a memorial service waiting for the fucking GE repairman who was an hour late on his 4 hour window. WTF. The guy who came a couple days ago, who owns his own company said they should be able to give you a one hour window accurately. Ruined my day mad
The weather is so beautiful here this week. I went for a hike at Red Rock with what little free time I had this week. Working two jobs sucks. Only two more weeks. I think I might have to park my truck and bike it for a while it is so nice.
Because of the huge number of comments on my latest set... You are receiving this comment late and it is the same comment that I am leaving everyone else as well. I usually try to thank everyone individually and much more personal like, but I would just never in a million years have the time to do that this time. So, I just want you to know that I appreciate that you took the time to comment on my new set. It was very wonderful of you, and I'm sorry that my return comment is so impersonal. However, if you want to stop by my page and say hello sometime, leave me an email, whatnot I'd love to chat. I am nice to everyone that is nice to me.

So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated. biggrin kiss
Two people I know died in that last week. I wasn't real close to either one but one guy was my age and had made such a turnaround in his life in the last year and a half that it was a miracle. Being acquainted with him made me a better person. RIP Big Mo.
I'm sorry about your friends---that is a shame. Lost a good one recently, myself. I came here to thank you for your Butthole Surfers music knowledge! I forgot all about that song! And thanks for including the ending---that was great!