This morning I had an existential crisis while I ate my breakfast. Actually, the proverbial bolt from the blue struck while I was spreading the cream cheese on my toasted bagel and I realised that I would be at work in less than an hour, wasting my time in order to barely get by and I immediately lambasted myself internally before pouring myself a glass...
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<You've lost your job and I envy the fuck out of you right now.>
I dont quite understand that.

Furthermore, I hate talking on the phone. Im phoneaphobic, and just dont do. So, if a stranger in the 773 somehow DID get my number [which in itself would be worrisome] I probably wouldnt pick it up anyways.
actually, there was not one tariff joke... nice one.
Hey everybody, I'm just popping on to wish you all the best in your endeavours. I know I'm pretty freaking terrible at this whole communication thing which is especially sad since I'm such a raging Gemini, but every now and then I have to let you all know how incredibly blessed I am to know you. Chances are, if you're reading this, then I mean...
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I don't think a comma goes there.

See you Wednesday....

PS - you are a jerk.
One of my earliest memories is of selling my soul. Some people will tell you that they remember seeing their mother's face that first time or the first word that they uttered but my memory starts in church. King James Bible Baptist church in Des Plaines, to be specific. I vaguely recall the train ride from my birthplace of Pensacola, Florida to Chicago, where I...
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Many thanks.
I Found you!!!!!!!!! Your ducks of doom stand no chance!!!! biggrin bok
I'm a Gnostic. I know this now because the voice of God spoke to me this morning and told me that my life would suck pure Hell until I went back to sleep tonight. Then it laughed at me. Normally I would disregard such an obvious episode of schizophrenia and try to squeeze in another half an hour of sleep before forcing myself to get...
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Nature played a cruel trick on me last weekend, when I flew out to San Francisco and the weather here in Chicago decided it would be warmer still than on the West. Nevertheless, I had a fantastic time and I won't pretend to ignore my friend's offer to help me find a new job out there. New things brewing. You know, ever since a few...
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Do you remember chat rooms? When I first started using AOL, oh, back in 1995, that's pretty much all it was. Chat rooms. Sure, there was news and I could check my online portfolio but mostly America was online to type furiously at groups of complete strangers, or so it seemed to me. Part of the fun was trying to figure out who it was...
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Okay, so the Writer's Guild of America strike is on and the second season of Heroes was insanely short, but look, on the up side, the Peacock is bringing back American Gladiators! Okay, so they're not really bringing it back, which would be hideous, let's face it: those early nineties had more than a few ugly moments and they can stay back in the... early...
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Hi, Community. My name is Tim and I'm an alcoholic.
Well well well .. look who decided to cause mischeif here. smile Tis good to see u, my friend. The more u post & the more grps/communities u get involved with ... the more u get out of this site, obviously. And Im offended that I wasnt your first favorite suicide girl. Pfffffft
Well, you know how much of a whore I am to the celebrities, my darling. I hope that it is some small satisfaction of yours that I remedy my sleight and add you to my favorite favorites posthaste and I hope that you and I can and will keep in touch. Maybe you can introduce me to some of your friends?
Love love.