well, it's time to update I guess. Sorry to everyone for the long delay here, but I guess I'm back, for now at least anyway. Have been cruising around the place with my camera so I will be updating my pics for you guys. Not a whole lot new has been happening, just trudging down the road of life.
My dad went into hospital for...
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nice pics...but how did you get so close to the cheetah?

anyway...i'm a cook, so mostly out here i stand around bored, watching tcns do all the work. or i play a lot of playstation and catch up on my reading.

Ok, so I realise that I haven't updated in a very long time, so here we go:
What has happened since my last update: Not much, hey it is sad but true - although I did see NIN on monday so that was really cool, it was an awesome show and I'm so happy I got to see them Live. Also Jeordie White played with...
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mate, your australian women are heart stopping amazing, but also rather rough on this poor yank's heart. smile blackeyed

-the geist

[Edited on Aug 28, 2005 1:57AM]
im probably going to check out the NIN show when they come to canada.. super excited
thanks to all for support and comforting words. Although I may have blown the injury out a bit - I tend to stress over small things and make the issue bigger than it realy is, however in my defence I will say that it has been over 6wks and I still can't run, in fact I have only just started to jump and hop a...
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good to hear you're up and about at least a little. that third photo of the sunrise is great.

-the geist
Oo nice pictures! Sorry about your bass, it happens to the best of us. frown smile
Ok, well I haven't bothered writing anything here for a while so here is a quick update..
I'm off crutches now and can limp around by myself, still in pain every now and then but not as much intensity as before. My ankle is really weak so I am trying to strengthen it again - as the tendons surrounding my ankle were badly damaged and...
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aww I hope you feel better ... guys who limp are hot heh kiss
I'm sorry about your frustration, I wish you the best. Good things come to good people smile. I can't wait to see photo's you're in Australia now? I bet it's beautiful there.
Well, I have injured myself - not too sure how bad my ankle is but it is swollen and bruised and I am hoping there is no bone damage - hurts like hell, but the pain killers the Doc gave me are awesome. I got some time off work too, which is why I am posting here now. How much does day time TV suck?...
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Dude your picture being gizmo is fucking awesome.

awww feel better
Was flicking through my old journals the other night and found one of the first poems I ever wrote. I have only showed 2 people this poem but with the internet being what it is I decided I would like to share it with you all. I must have been around 15/16 when I wrote this which is wierd, cause what I remember about my...
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I really liked the joke! Thanks for adding it!
That's how I feel but I just recently left my doggies to go to school. I'm definitely gunna get one of my own though when I get a house. One of them I got when I was in first grade so she's super old now frown.
Yea puzzles are starting to seem less and less fun.
Haha I love reading back over old stuff I wrote. It seems to never make sense and it's always way more childish than you've ever known. That's how life goes though I gues, it's actually discouraged me to do some stuff cause I think "Oh I'll just hate it in a year anyway." Either way props to you for posting it.
The end of another week. Hello weekend, hello two days of lounging around in my underwear, hello alcohol, hello parties, hello drunken brawls and pool games, hello music to soothe the ears. Well, maybe a couple of them anyway.

I am very happy at the moment as I have just bought myself tickets to see NIN - it isn't until August though so I have...
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Well, I had a pretty good weekend - considering it started badly.

I had a nice surprise Saturday when a friend dropped by for a visit and wanted a jam - man did we rock!
Then on Sunday I watched Star Wars 3 - and I loved it!
It didn't stop there though I went to the music store and finally grabbed myself a copy...
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If the proposal is accepted it will be shown in Perth. So I doubt even I will get to see it!

I rise from a broken slumber, summoned by a voice unheard
a voice without reason or kindness, a voice from the underworld.

Ahh, coffee. I am alive again. There is nothing better than the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning.
Well, I added some pics last night so I hope you all enjoy. I will keep adding more when I get some that...
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I hear ya.I had big plans and ended up not doing anything all day.

Thanks for reminding me about the fact that its the last star wars movie, now I just have to survive the dvd release and maybe it will all be over.
Well I thought I might as well get over my fear and write something in here, but what to write about?

It's Friday night and I am sitting at my computer, that says a lot. I am surrounded by my friends - Poe fills me with inspiration to write, Tool is playing for me a private show, I have a half pack of cigs and...
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Hey, welcome newbie!

It's not as scary as you think. I've been here about a month, as as long as you are friendly and interested things will be fine. Try to get some pics up soon, that always helps,..

What movie did you watch? We saw Racing Stripes last night, it was great.

Hope you have a great weekend!

kiss kiss kiss