Life gets more interesting.
I recently had one of my exes get in touch with me to see how I was doing and to tell me she has reently had her second child and that all is well in her world. She's still married, still loves the guy. I'm happy for her, but it still makes me a little freaked out when I realise somebdy...
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Looks like I may have just wasted the last three years.

Well. I say that, but they weren't wasted.
I have met more astounding people, learned more about myself, did more outside of studying and became more social than I thought possible.
Even with the lows, even with the debt, even with the endless fucking drama from people like my exes and friends better forgotten,...
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We finally have internet back at my place.

I ould cry tears of joy right now....
huggs wb hunni........ its great to have you back on the net I missed ya lots !!!!
~MaryAnne kiss miao!!
kiss kiss kiss kiss am thinkin of ya hun ...
Because it is always good to have a look at what's around, I just finished reading Anton LaVey's Satanic Bible. Quite an interesting read in that I found myself agreeing with a great many of the major principles but found the use of ritual in the later stages f the book to be entirely off point. While he believes that it is neccessary to use...
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hey hun I miss chatting with you online.. I hope you are doing allright and that we can chat again soon take care hun bye bye for now
~MaryAnne kiss miao!!
Wierd times.
Deciding on my cosplay costumes for this Summer.
Current top draws are Scar from FMA (since I have only seen one picture of anybody else have a go at that) and the Count from Gankutsuo.
Both would be awesome if I can get the parts together.

In other news, dreaming that Nazis have killed your ex girlfriend and brainwashed you to kill for...
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1. What Time Do You Get Up? Usually around 8am depending on the day.
2. Gold Or Diamonds? Gold. It's more traditional.
3. What Was The Last Film You Saw At The Cinema? Quite possibly Serenity.
4. Favorite Tv Shows? Ask me again when I own a TV.
5. What Do You Have For Breakfast? Bread.
6. Who Would You Hate To Be Stuck In...
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Read this and weep. Hate me if you will or just pity me. But read this and know what I have done.

I dated Gaya.
It was awkward because of the circumstances around it but it was good. We had probems aplenty.
One was she was always paranoid of Ali and I.
Which is fine. I still like her. No big secret there.
A rumour...
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huggs n kisses darlin.. hows everything going.. I havnt seen you online as of late maybee I will catch you when I get home.. talk to you soon.. huggs n kisses..Bye bye for now
~MaryAnne kiss miao!!
Tonight I did what I felt I had to do.
I am now going it alone.
I will refuse relationships.
It won't work.
I need time out.
And that's exactly what I will get.
I want still want affection, I just can't make good on any commitment.
That is where I stand. No attatchments for a while. I need the space.
I can't be attatched...
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For starters, I have found that, while my taste in music can be remarkably gonzo at times I am not a bad DJ at all at the end of the day.
I also found that I really do miss some old faces every now and again.
A strange week.
But a good week.
huggs hun hope totalk to you again on msn soon.. hope you are well.... talk to you soon..
~MaryAnne kiss miao!!
Anybody complaining that they are single on this day will get a can of shut the fuck up direct from me.
Get it in your head that today is a way for you to tell that girl/boy/piece of furniture you are enamoured with that you like them without any problems. It's all anonymous. It's flattering to them and you get to let it off your...
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huggs hunni... I hope u have a really great day enjoy it.. take care and I hope to talk to you soon
~MaryAnne kiss miao!!
This is an update to say that I have been keeping busy lately. Working on my degree, cleaning the house and trying to keep in touch with my amigos.
Not the most interesting of updates, but when your highlight of recent times was wearing an NBC suit to your local rock night, stuff gets a little blurry.
lmao huggs hansome.. and I do love the land of the strange bye for now hun talk to you later on msn... huggs
~MaryAnne kiss miao!!
And as the dust settles on the holiday period all I have to say is that things can always get better. In this case they have.
The holiday reminded me how much I love my family sometimes even if we have all changed over the years (my brother and I especially so).
I hope you all survived the holidayperiod with some fragment of your collective...
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hye hansome well I just wanted to post here and say that its been great being friends here. am glad that I met you and I look forward to more chats on msn tc and we will chat soon huggs n kisses ..
~MaryAnne kiss miao!!
I survived, glad you did too! biggrin