I had heard that having shingles was painful.......and they aren't fucking kidding!! I got an outbreak on my side and back and I thought I had a kidney exploding!!

Ah well, at least I get a couple days off.

Maybe I will get around to organizing and posting some pictures......yeah right!!
Whoa, shingles? That sucks. Hope you feel better!

And I'm super stoked about the Institute. Although I'm kinda bummed because Caillebotte's Rainy Day is on loan to some German museum. But it's gonna be awesome anyway! Woot!
Got back from Chicago........had all sorts of fun.......will have stories and pics upcoming.....for now.......bedtime!!!!
Well, I am off to Chicago in three days!!

I'm taking a week long bus tour there. Gonna see some shows, take a river cruise ,go to the top of the Willis Tower (formerly the Sears tower), and go to the Art Institute of Chicago to see a painting I have always wanted to see in person;

Sunday Afternoon on the Island of Grande Jatte...
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Per my video: So i was right to say poached. Thank you. :3
Thanks so much for the suggestions! I will certainly try them the next time i make ramen. <3
I got my passport in the mail today...........Look out world.......I am free to roam about.......political boundries be damned!!!!!
I have seemed to have reached a big plateau..........never any more happy than the last day, but no more sad either.......just kinda there....that is all.
well was Vegas. allowed to get a little crazy. tongue hats included
Does anyone know where I can get a small pillow to put under my elbow whilst I sit here chin in palm staring at the internet for hours on end?

Maybe I should patent one!
I Saw Alice in Wonderland in 3D today. It started out kinda slow, but got better towards the end. Or maybe it just took me a while to get into it. Sometimes I think the movie theaters really need someone who knows what the hell they are doing to come in and adjust the sound levels. The center channel was up way to high and...
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yes. yes it does.
Thank you so much!
Went to D.C. this past weekend. Had a great time. Will try to get some pictures organized to post.
I think more of our tax dollars need to go towards snow shovels.
Both frogs still alive, I'm still alive, too exhausted to post much more right now.
haha that was you??? hey don't you play the cello too???? frogs?
not sure what formspring is. I just started today but so far it is pretty fun!!