Ugh...I have no idea what's up with me. I was in such a good mood this morning and what not, and for most of the afternoon. We went to see The Exorcism of Emily Rose. It was a pretty good movie. Then I went to take some cash out in case we decide to go to the bar tonight and iunno the depression just seemed...
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i'm agreeing with Rosita, we totally should have said hi or something. but then again. i'll be back in toon town soon enough and you should hang out with rose in the mean time.

till we meet
Hello. I posted a comment on MySpace on one of your photos. Your captured on film with a smile on your lips. Amazing.

I just checked out your new photos. Very sexy. You're quite alluring. wink

I love your new profile pic too. Just decided to make some changes since you're heading back to school? Very cool.

Good luck in school. Stay focused, but cut loose when you need to. smile
Well I think that everything in my apartment is pretty much organized except for the odd poster in my room and what not.
I'm so glad that I moved up sooner. Best idea ever.

New boy in my life biggrin, that I've liked for humm the last 9 or so years. He came to visit on Monday and just left today. Sniff sniff...didn't want him...
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Okay. So, both of the peeps on SG's I've buddied with have just gotten into accidents. You win on HA HA factor (no offence, but that's funny) so I see a trend... Other than that... SHOW WHAT THE LORD GAVE YAH!!!! Seriously now... teasing is so 90's. HAH I love me.
i understand the car thing. i was pulling into my friend's garage whilst in the car and i guess i under or over compensated and nocked the side of it up good. i'm sorta glad he got a new car right away after that, cuz then i wouldn't have to look at the awefull mark i just made all the time. frown
i too felt two inches tall. i was surprised that he didn't just call off our friendship right there i felt so shitty (tho i know it wouldn't be a big deal to me if it had been reversed). *shrugs*

hope you have fun with your new beau. who is this lucky fella?
Nothing to interesting in my life. But I had to share this with everyone. I got this very interesting book. It's called The Guide To Getting It On. Now I know that for most of you this is common sense not saying that it isn't for me. But I've learnt some really valuable information thus far and i'm not even close to being halfway done....
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Thanks for the Happy Birthday.
I hope everthing turns out okay for your baba. frown
Seriously!!!! I do my fair share of house hold duties and while I do have a fair amount of sex I'M THE ONLY ONE IN THE ROOM!!!!!!!!! Bah. I say bah.
So my baba is doing much better. They did the scope and apparently there is nothing wrong with her. HOwever, they did find out the she has not been filling her perscriptions and taking her medication like she should be. Which I guess is part of her problem. So on wednesday I have to take her to Saskatoon for an MRI, it's an appointment that...
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Sorry to hear about your Baba. I hope she feels better. smile
Hey girl.... its been a long time but that's my fault... ya that's funny you wrote about your baba cause that's what we were told in clinical... the elderly tend to mess up their meds like that. I dunno... but ya. I hope she stays okay!!!! Anyways, you're back in the city soon???
Alright...so I wasn't planning on writing in here today but..
I found out when my mom picked me up from work today that my baba is in the hospital again. She went yesterday and they gave her another shot of Demerol, and then she went again today. But this time she's there to stay for awhile...well at least overnight and tomorrow. Apparently(from what they know...
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I hope youre baba gets better. smile
I hope your baba gets better. My mom had to have a growth removed from her kidney earlier this year and it proved to be nothing serious, other than it caused her blood pressure to go wildly out of control. none the less I was worried about her.

baba's are very special. I only knew one of mine, and I still cherish the times we got to visit and talk about her growing up in Saskatchewan and her life in the Ukraine.

lots of hugs.
New update to follow later today....

Okay so I haven't made too far to get to that update...but really I'm working on it. It'll be here eventually. And yes...Tokyoseven..you can have your fortune cookie...tongue
You have been to Cold Lake??? That is where I wanna get posted next (in 5-7 years) biggrin

Kisses kiss kiss
Thanks hun...it wasn't Cpl, but I got promotedbiggrin

Kisses kiss kiss
Long entry...most of the middle stuff is random babbling that I needed to get off of my chest, so if you really wanna read something outta this whole babble the at least read the first and last paragraphs. Yeah I think thats right.

So Ive come to the conclusion that as much as I like my job it gives me way too much time to...
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We need drinking....SOON!biggrin

Kisses kiss kiss
Hey you. Another intense post. You need to lighten up a little. Let me see if I can lift your spirits. wink

You are beautiful! Maybe not in the traditional runway model sense. But, you have a pretty face. I'd like to see a picture of you smiling. Not a fake smile, but a genuine one.

You are unique. Being short or not curvy just defines you as being different from others. We can't all the Paris Hilton, nor would we want to be.

The important thing is to be confident in your body. It takes a while to feel comfortable in your skin, especially for women. Probably by your late twenties you'll figure it out.

As for rejection, everyone has to deal with it. We all have fear and we carry our baggage with us wherever we go, no matter how old we get. You don't have to impress or excite everyone. Just focus on making friends with good people who will respect you, treat you the way you deserve to be treated and help you through the rough spots in your life.

Well, I think that's enough for now. Hang in there. Enjoy your youth. Life gets a little more boring when you're older. ;

Love, Kail kiss
Hey everyone!

I would have written a post last night while I was playing on the net, but I figured that what I wanted to write would have taken to long. So I decided that I was going to write down a few words this time (okay more then a few). With more to come later, cuz man do I have some stuff that I...
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Feel free to share. We're listening. Need for Speed sounds fun. Haven't had much time to play video games in awhile.