note to self, I'm not changing this profile, because it reminds me of last summer, but I am 10 lbs lighter as a result of school....which is scary.
Hey man you're from the burg!? and a fellow eco freak!?! show me love!!! biggrin
Welk, I decided to buy myself a month of Suicide Girls for July. I have little interest in wasting my summer journaling though.
Its been awhile since I subscribed because SG is simply too distracting when I have work to do. I cant believe how strange all my old blogging was. To read things you have written is the oddest, least gratifying dj vu. It...
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so school is still hard. disappointed with myself on multiiple levels, thinking about free time, sleep, fixing my buggy computer. burning cds, biochemistry (in a range of fucking fabrics) washing machines, cars, my crappy compact disk player, dental insurance, teeth, dogs, wondering who the fuck I am on any given morning.....
choosing life.
thinking about how incredibly Pro-Abortion I am and how the more i...
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these exams are kicking my ass. so tired. all the time. my dogs are guilting me like no one's business. I have found a local butcher who is molifying their impatience at not being able to run more, by providing them with fatty hambones and backstraps. I am going to school to study, I basically live there. It is a testament to that fact that...
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wow. i have internet access again, but i'm not sure that's a good thing, i might kill too much time....with an axe of course. i saw a really interesting video showing some endoscopy procedures. human beings are....slimy. cool. my car is lame, and is breaking alot. one of my buddies here used to be a mechanic, so he helped me, but i don't trust truck...
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Just wanted to let you know that there is a new owner vote in this group GB Group
school is hard. everything is lame this week. i need some friends that aren't workaholics and...yeah. wine, whine, whine, wine, whine.
WOW long time no hear... Hope Jersey went well. Yeah I know what you mean by school is boaring... I havent done anything this week!
jersey is still pretty, especially the woods behind my house...now if I could just do something about the people. oddness abounds. i think it might come from the fact that the two most important cities in NJ aren't in NJ (NYC and Philly).
no computer access on a regular basis till next week. got my white coat, found out nj is both strange and beautiful.
I read the new harry potter yesterday and was incredibly dissapointed. It was so poorly written and developed. I really felt like I was reading fan fiction through most of it. ....boring fan fiction. I have taken it off my favorites list. In honor of spaceballs, harry potter will now be refered to in my book as the series where " Evil always triumphs because...
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I like you! Its not what I mean by slut; wearing small cloths. Hey if you can pull it off then let your ass hang out. But if your trailer trash... well you get my point. I just dont like girls who try to be sexy. I mean if you are then you are. By the way I have started reading the new Harry Potter and your right. Its nothing like what I thought it was going to be.
I don't know much about the Harry Potter series.. guess I've found it all too over hyped for me to even open a book smile

hmm. bad dreams, not enough sleep. my dog has a cracked and infected toe nail, and I bleed for him. I feel behind and school hasn't started. I want a haircut and to see my clothes in a dresser drawer. I don't like living in between doors. I want Karl Rove fired, and then I want him quartered.
I should grow up, expecting external affirmations...
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well we didn't get hit by dennis, but it was a very wet weekend. I didn't do as much stuff as I said I would, and right now I'm fairly frustrated with the human race, so I went to the thrift store for a bit of R & R. Anyway, dejectedness, I don't have much to say. frown
I'm going to pay bills and make phone...
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well thank god for that ! glad all is well !!! wink