So I was thinking that music is masturbatory. You can change your mood and emotions just by listening to a tune. It can be used as a direct control for stimulation. Given the common connotation that the word masturbatory is used, it makes listening to music sound dirty.

For some reason today I started thinking of different ways to say you are horny. I am...
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the tussin didn't work, actually, hence the prescription cough syrup with codeine.
I'm not afraid of it at all. Afraid of possibilities, but not at all afraid of being in love.
I am going down to Austin this weekend and "floating the river". This means sitting in an inflatable tube getting drunk off my ass. What better thing to do in the summer? Although, I am going with some people from work, and none of them really "my kind of person", as some people would put. We are mostly just drinking buddies. Fill-ins for real friends...
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311...huh. You better get your tickets now. They are going to be playing with the Wailers(Bob Marley's old band).
My car barely started today so I had to spend 70 bucks on car battery. At least I made it to the grocery store, so now I can stop eating ramen for a few days.

Recorded a podcast with my friend, shuld be up in the next few days on www.leebozeebo.com
Why don't people follow instructions?

I just came back from a trip to Las Vegas to see my dad, he was having heart surgery. I noticed on the plane that no one ever pays attention to what the flgith attendants just told you not to do. I assume they have a good reason in telling you to sit your ass down, I figure you'd listen....
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This is an awesome article about loving what you work, or working what you love...just read it.


It really hit home for me.
It is too easy to spend money on amazon. I just spent 40 bucks on books in 10 minutes. At least 2 of which were written by Douglas Adams. wewt.
"As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
" 'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door;
Only this, and nothing more." Edgar Allan Poe

Seemed only fitting. The dude in the cubicle next to me is one of those people that think the harder you click you mouse, the better job the computer does. Like the machine is somehow able...
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Yay, it's friday.

I am finally starting to get along a little better with my boss. Previously, it's been pretty awkward between he and I. Not really sure why, but I guess I am awkward to begin with. We are socializing more and I can tell his tone with me has changed.

However, I still work with a bunch of wierdos. I seriously think the...
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Eh, that's scary