that looks like a lot of fun - i'm so jealous! glad to see you're doing well.

So last night was it. Today a new chapter begins...but of course last night had to end with a strange bang.

~A 37yrd woman is brought in by the local sheriffs office after having an altercation with them. She's been of her psych meds for some time and is suicidal and homicidal. From the time she's in the ER she is in four point restraints...
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So I'm down to one more shift. ONE more shift of work then I'm off for the next two months until school starts. So of course tonight I was visited by the nutty insane all-star team of patients in the ER.

~A stabbing victim who was stabbed at his wedding reception by his cousin

~A woman brought in by the police and EMS in full...
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So tonight I signed up for an extra shift. Strange things were destined to happen since tonight the Engineering Dept. decided to shut off the water to the entire hospital to fix a leak. That's right. NO Running water in the Emergency Room. We were given buckets of water to wash our hands with and 55 gallon drums were placed near bathrooms to "flush" the...
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So I'm home after a long day of traveling and weekend of partying. I can honestly say that this years Starscape was very weak in terms of the music, except Sander's set, but honestly I don't care. This party has became all about the venue and the people that attend. I'm so glad the Vanessa was able to come. I've been telling her about Starscape...
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Ever have some aspect of your life that is always linked to a famous movie quote, book or song lyric. Over my past 28 years on this Earth my lovelife can be explained by three quotes:

"...and I trusted my gutt, and because of this I've found out that my gutt, has shit for brains!"
~ Rob Gordon (John Cusak) High Fidelity

"We are what...
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I hate being sick. At least the cold medicine has cured my insomnia, a little too well if I may say.

my nose can't stop dripping.

my throat is dry.

I haven't showered in two days.

I smell like a F.O.B.

thanks for the encouraging words - i hope you feel better soon.

i wish my boyufriend wasn't so jealous.

he has a lot of growing up to do.

sometimes i feel so old and i'm only 22.

Eh, life is going. Work last night was well, work. It was slow and quiet, very uneventful with nothing exciting or memorable. I spent most of the night reading Newsweek, stocking rooms and talking to the nurses I work with.

I honestly can't wait to move on, I feel as if I'm in this "dead zone" for the next four weeks. I can't really go...
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I really have few quims with my job. I love the adreneline rush. The fact that I'm in a field where I'm helping people and not stuck in a cubicle somewhere crunching numbers.

One of the shitty things I don't like about my job is that I work weekends and I'm living a crappy nocturnal life. I'm finding myself unable to sleep before 4am unless...
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"Access to this web page is restricted at this time. "

The Websense category "Abused Drugs" is filtered.


what the fuckkkkkk. this internet cafe sucks frown
hope your doin good dude and not working yourself toooo hard!

So after clocking in at work today I was asked to "help out" in an extension area for the ER. This is an area that we place patients before we bring them to their room on the floor or discharge them. Upon entering this area the nurse points around the corner and suggests that I see if I could help out. Upon turning the corner...
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