cool. i love philosophy of science too, when i studied in france i went to a seminary about expertice in politics i love it. i made a monographie about magic as a savoir.... a connaissance not recognized by west ...
excuse my bad english...
and emma goldman is nice cause she can theorise her situation in life. i think she wasnt a fanatic, a dogmatist thats what i like about her
For some reason I was thinking, just now, after editing yet another paper to submit to a biology journal (number 3 for the summer so far), of the poem "Hamlet" by Boris Pasternak. That poem astounded me when I first read it about 7 years ago. I remember racing through all the Russian poetry translations in the UCF library to see if any other volumes...
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Got my first tattoo today! Wooo! Very happy with it, a brown bulldog ant. Myrmecia desortorum. It's sweet, I will post pictures soon...
I gotta see photos! biggrin
Hey Hey! It's summer time! time for Independent Studies so I still get money and get to hang out at home and work on my research articles! Wooo! Now if the wire transfer of my student funds would hurry up and get to my bank account so I can buy some food instead of eating all my ex-roommate's food...
Ahh, I finished revising a paper...
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Hey!, whoever may read this... Here is the paper I wrote for GEO 6116, Perspectives on Environmental Thought. I think it makes for a good read, hopefully my prof. will too. Aaah, damn my eyes are burning...

Behavioral Ecology and the De-Animalization of Nature

Introduction: the Problem of De-animalization

Beginning in the early 1960s, the work of behavioral ecologists (behavioral ecology is the study of...
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I finally got my new computer, so I'm trying to catch up with all my friends on my list. Just seeing what you've been up too, wondering how you are, that kind of thing.

I hope you are doing well
As a new "graduate teaching assistant" at an institution... for reading biology books and listening to loud classical music in my office... I mean education, I found this story rather amusing.

Copyright by Kerry Soper

Excerpt from the secret journal of Prof. Maxwell T. Detritum, now a teaching assistant at the Universal University)
February 18, 2085

The mid-21st century was a dark time in higher...
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Well Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology rejected my paper about mutualisms in Chinese pitvipers for the third time. Unfortunately, I cannot resubmit there. Apparently, they keep sending my article to the guy whose work I'm bashing for "blind" review. Sadly, the system ain't that blind. I'm depressed. So depressed that I'm eating buffalo chicken wings. I hardly ever eat meat anymore. But right now I need...
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I wish that I could wake up one day and say, "Duh, this is so friggin' easy... Am I that hungover that I can't evern piece together ad hoc math theories to do elementary computations anymore?" ... because, seriously, I don't even know what the hell an ad hoc math theory is anymore. You're too smart, sir. Far too smart. biggrin
So this is my first "official" graduate level paper (not counting the four that were rejected up to twice apiece that need to be re-written and resubmitted to various ecology & biology journals), I wrote it for "Environmental Geology" seminar. Hope you like it! Even if you don't like it, feel free to comment:

Volcanic Processes and Super-volcanoes: Facts and Prospects

Introduction: Volcano Basics

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<My friend told me all about your deviantart stuff and I was bowled over girl. wOOOH! >
Thanks to both you and your friend.
Your comment on my set was amazing! I absolutely loved it smile
Aaah, after a long week of graduate studies, teaching, drinking insane amounts of high-priced Belgian triple-ferments, and insane amounts of Eiswein... I'm taking it easy, drinking Stash Green Tea Chai and hoping to actually get some sleep tonight... What do you think of competition? Vermeij's "Escalation Hypothesis" frames the idea that inter-specific competition is THE greatest single factor in Natural selection. Specifically, he basically claims...
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I suspect that that hypothesis doesn't really pay proper attention to the possibility that intra-specific competition is probably at least as powerful a drive.
Certainly, you have to evade your predators long enough to breed; but you also have to out-compete your relatives, who by definition are the individuals with needs like yours. I'm sure this is the reason for sexed size difference in sparrowhawks (European ones, Accipiter nisus ) for instance; it allows males and females to hunt the same territory without excessive competition for prey species.
Basically, speciation is a way of avoiding competition with your relatives.

I also think this is a strong driver in (for instance) bird migration; makes it possible to spread your competition around. And that moving into new habitats at the edge of an existing range is a strong driver for the same reason - less competition from your relatives; which in turn will produce speciation as the organism adapts to its slightly-changed environment.

Not that I'm a biologist, or anything.
Alright! Finally, a long week of graduate courses and teaching puny undergrads comes to a close... Aah, I like my students a lot, they think I'm a freak though is the impression I get from them in non-campus interactions.
I just ordered my first batch of Peet's Coffee and I can't wait to taste the stuff. Won't get it till like Tuesday or Wednesday. I...
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