I had the most absurd recollection recently: not merely that a buff, yoga-hottie friend of my mom's had given me a lapdance and then a bj one drunken night, but that I had pinned her down after and tried to rip her orange thong panties off. And I could not get the friggin' waistband to break! Very crazy. It was perhaps the best bj I've...
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my "job" is a Manager of a offset printing company and graphic artist..but yes I gt paid to do Jagermeister as well. not sure about US, could tell you for suresmile
I wouldn't say they are screwed up hotties, but rather people who just know how to have fun?

Thanks for the love on my set... wink
Everybody my first article just appeared online! This is so friggin' amazing! It's the first, and the craziest, I will post a full PDF at some point but for now take a look!


Anyhow, whooo! Damn I am hotttt...
Nice!! Jager Away!
I have been working away, once again, on a new idea for a paper: animals that use tools! Yeah, there are so many awesome animals in the world, but I have a very specific reason, which I cannot share just yet, for looking at only animals that use tools, in particular species that use tools but show regional, sex-specific and/or niche specific variations in the...
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Everyone, my oldest brother, Namdev, is awesome. Please check out his book! It just hit the market yesterday and I think many in the SG community will enjoy it, and his other recent release about skateboard art. His old college, MCAD, liked it so much he's teaching a course on skateboard art this summer! It's his first time teaching and I'm pretty happy for him...
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Hello All,
I recently got the most amazing news, and totally unexpected, but the shortest paper I've yet written, and one that promises to be quite controversial, was accepted for publication in my favorite peer-reviewed journal! Whooo! I am so surprised because I wrote it last Christmas on a whim, and the first journal I submitted it to, a very respected German journal for evolutionary...
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That's great! I only have one paper published right now, but it's bench work (neuroscience of epilepsy in animal models) and less theoretical. I'm working on a study right now, though, that's very integrative involving addiction medicine, anthropology, narrative and some subfoci like ecology, public policy, literature etc. It's based on a qualitative interview protocol, but expanding from there. My first personal grant, I'm very excited.

Is your paper in press or out yet? I'd love to read it, so you should give me a link for sure. One of my big surprises this year has been how much I've gotten into genetics (the evolutionary slant especially). I have a rudimentary knowledge, but it's very interesting for sure.

And a postmodern poet? Do you have anything published in that regard? I wrote a very metafictional postmodern novel last year, but - as a scientist - have very little idea how to pursue publishing. Nor have I much time.
p.s. Nice book in your profile picture

p.p.s. I took a class a philosophy of Caribbean mentality class focusing on Rastafarianism
Well I can't post the whole paper on eusocial humans and other vertebrates up as it's under review right now, but I can... post the abstract to get all of you readers hot and bothered or wanting to bite my arm or something for being such a tease. The paper is under peer-review for a German sociobiology journal called "Naturwissenschaften":

Abstract: Foster and Ratnieks (2005)...
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awesome. thanks for the answers smile i may look at reading the book. the movie seemed to skip along too quickly.
hahah..you always show me the best love on my sets..thank you x's a million! xoxox
Alright: nother phat idea. I just wrote a brief article, building on the work of a couple of other people, that humans and about 8 other species should all be considered eusocial. I'm submitting it to Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology I think. It's really a cool little article. I can't post it though because I have to wait till it's officiallly submitted. My other article...
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Also, will you send me a link or something to your article when you can post it? It sounds super interesting and I'd love to read it.
I think I was geek before it was chic, ie: grade 7, haha.
Paper #2i:
This one is about the evolution of mutualism in snakes (specifically a special kind of mutualism called "Pseudo-Reciprocity"). PR and Reciprocal Altruism really changed the way I view our social reality. I didn't think 3 years ago when I started reading & thinking about all this kind of stuff that I'd ever end up doing a Master's on it! Anyhow, this paper is...
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Alot of hard work went into this!
What a fucking ridiculous year it turned out to be... Over the summer I had three bizarre incidents happen a) because of my bone condition several of my teeth became super weak for no good reason and I had to pay $2000 to have them removed. My mother is insane however and my thesis advisor paid instead! If she wasn't such an awesome thesis advisor/surrogate...
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Oh whoops I forgot about John Endler's "Natural Selection in the Wild" (revised edition), this is actually not the exact version I submitted it appears. Really I think it's just that last paragraph citation but oh well. I'm always questing for perfection...
"It is said that the young Alcibiades, visiting a grammar school around 430 B.C., asked the teacher for a volume of Homer and, hearing there was none, struck the hapless teacher with his walking stick and left."--
That is so fucking awesome! You remember the days when intellect meant something, that is, the possession of an inquiring mind was a great thing in and of...
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I think it still means something....I'm quite certain that more people revere the Dali Lama then say, Glen Beck.

I just think that we are all more distracted then people even 60 years ago. And we have everything in abundance to point of being confused as to what we really want.

Remember when you were out camping and all the food you had was just the food in the campsite that day ( far away from convenience stores and supermarkets ) Do, you remember how good at the end of the evening of being out in the wilderness, how good that food tasted.

That's the best understanding I know of what it must have been like in the past.
Indeed. Thanks for stopping by sir. The graduate student thing has really been sucking up lots and lots of of my time, though that's fine by me most of the time smile