Fucks yeah. This is going to be a short entry. Mostly I just wanted to say, "Like dude, I totally need a profile pic, like wicked bad. Dude." I really want to get something to replace that SG logo that is a placeholder for my non-existent profile image. The thing is that I don't have a digital camera and don't know anyone that does have...
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So, I've been wanting to update the last few days, but I obviously didn't. The reason why is because I wanted to have an entry where I didn't bitch the whole time. At my age you'd think I would know, but I'm not sure if bitching is the only way I know to convey information. I occasionally read some journals (mostly the girls on my...
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Howdy everyone. Yep, still nothing horribly exciting going on. I'm going to have to find a job pretty soon. I've been unemployed by choice for a very long time. I've kidded myself into thinking that I would concentrate on school after quitting, but I should have known better. I haven't really done shit over the last few years, which kind of sucks. I was hoping...
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Don't feel like a loser, be happy
Ugh. Yeah, nothing really to say other than I've been fucking up my already fucked up life even more. Not that I'm looking for any excuses, I fully realize that all the bullshit I have to deal with in my life is my own goddamn fault. Fuck me, fuck me in my ear. I hope I'll have something better to write about soon. It's just...
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Thank you...Ive been looking for a flux capasitor for years
Yikes, it's the end of January already, where does the time go. I remember when I was a kid and time went sooo slowly. Summer vacations felt like eons and winter break was rather epic in it's own way. For the last few years time seems to be flying by at a quickening pace. Months feel like weeks, weeks feel like days, and days feel...
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Have you ever had one of those days where you couldn't wait until the day was over? That's the kind of day which is winding down right now. Basically I'm just fucking around SG and some other sites waiting for the sweet slumber embrace. I've had one of those days where I was all hopeful that I was actually going to get some stuff done....
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Since the SG audio intro's have been added, I've only heard Olivia's and Mallereigh's, the latter being one of my favorites. I hope all of them soon have their sexy voices posted very soon.
Out of the like four entries I've made I've been drunk off my ass for all but one. For some lame reason I feel open to this posting shit when I'm really drunk, like I am now. I've had six Zimas and am on my third Mike's hard lime, so far. I know I have like the gayest taste in drinks, I really like fruity...
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I know how the drunk posting goes. My only serious-minded journal entry was written after 10 shots of rum. And it's topic was about -- surprise -- the virtues of drinking. So I guess it's not so hard to pic out my drunk post, after all.

You might want to check out DRUNKS!
Ugh, I'm sitting here at 4 in the am waiting for these crappy sleeping pills to work. Usually when I have nothing to do and/or am too lazy to do anything productive I just look at porn, but for some reason I decided to update instead, go figure. Yeah, nothing really exciting going on. School started up again a couple of weeks ago. I was...
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Okay, well I did say that I was going to post something "officially major" by Friday. Well, thats the first lesson you SG's are going to have to learn about me, I promise much but rarely deliver. Not that I'm proud of this or anything. I'm a huge procrastintor. I've been this way for as long as I could remember, and there is no sign...
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Hey, Don't worry about Christmas! Just remember that most of it isn't even Christian - Evergreen trees and plants (xmas tree, holly, ivy), decorations (esp. red green and gold), present giving, food, yule log, pretty much everything else. The christmas holiday is what the Christians renamed Yule when they decided to take over and convert/eradicate all the heathens. They couldn't get rid of the celebration so they recreated it (Similarly with Easter which is a festival of fertility). Yule is really about the Winter Solstice and is based around the longest night of the year. It's about welcoming in the new seasons and hoping (if you are a farmer at least) that the crops turn out to be plentiful). So feel free to enjoy Yule. I guess the pre christians were sort of worshipping their own gods at this time, but I think it was more about celebrating nature and the natural world and just hoping for a good year to come.

Seasons greetings!

Ta Ta For Now!
Boo hoo. Those bright ass red letters that state "crackedhead has no friends" makes me sad. As an incentive, those who make a comment, no matter how brief, might just be told where my user name comes from, as if anyone really cares. This expression of interest might make me feel a tad special. Argh, I talk out of my ass way too much. Later.
It's the beginning of a new year, and I've decided to break my journal entry making cherry. I'm too lazy to write something wicked epic right now, but I swear I'll get it done by Friday. I'm sure nobody will see this, but those few that have are sitting on the edge of their fucking seats, and to them I say Happy New Year. Lets...
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