VNV Nation "illusion" *no this song has no hidden meaning for any guys, i just like these lyrics*

I know it's hard to tell how mixed up you feel
Hoping what you need is behind every door
Each time you get hurt, I don't want you to change
Because everyone has hopes, you're human after all
The feeling sometimes, wishing you were someone else
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well, i'm not sure now...but yeah, i guess it was probably me! blush
i just remember your face when i was introduced to you...it was like: "what the fuck is this girl doing???" hahahaha! sorry, it's always complicated to me to figure out how to greet people here. surreal

did you like the show?
I love that song.. I love VNV Nation...

I lurve you hehehehehe
Found my old diary....got some good snippets from when I lost my virginity. Kind of wonder why I didn't realize I was huge dyke right afterwards. Other major events are also listed. ENJOY!!

March 10 1992 Got Tokka (my turtle who died in December 2006)
1994 Started wearing a bra
1995 Got my period
1996 Got drunk for the first time on 3 cans of...
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hahaha i like that

i wish i could find my old diaries too...
I do not like what I've become. I look like I ate my former self. Im a big fat cow. Note to self: tank tops do NOT look good on you. Wear ponchos and big baggy pants from now on. Do not fix your hair, it makes your chin look even fatter. Stop fucking eating fast food you fat lard. Headaches are bad and making...
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You know, I have a rather accelerate sense of smell which can really make life difficult. I got my septum pierced and was convinced that there was a turd in my nose for the longest time! Then one day it just stopped. If you hold out for a little while longer the smell will go away. Just keep doing chamomile tea soaks and it'll speed the process up. Don't wash it too much with soap though. That seemed to make it worse for me. Just do the tea soaks and rinse with plain old water and you'll find the smell going away in a bit.

ooo aaa
haha! don't take off your septum piercing!! you'll get used to it with time!! wink

i hope you get better soon. it's terrible when you're not happy with yourself.
but hey, did you find someone to go to nocturna with you?
Got my v.lip( I can abbreviate verticle lip cuz I'm that cool). Septum was more painful (I'm wearing a retainer cuz a metal ring smells like vomit), but the guy messed up when he tried to put the jewlery in, so he had to repierce it. My chin was full of blood. Shoulda got a piccie but I'm not that vain or wanting to document...
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funny, my boyfriend and i were just discussing the possibility of purchasing a hello kitty air-freshener for my car (not sure they even make that sort of thing).

cool looks good
You know what sucks? My life. I was thinking about stuff, and reading my autobiography earlier. Here is an excerpt that I will discuss:

"It also seems that whenever my relationships were bad or nonexistent, I excelled at school and work only because I had nothing better to take up my time. So if I'm miserable in that area, I succeed in the other. It...
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"the sky..the sky..the sky's gone out"
I hope you are well. I've taken Prednisone numerous times since I was a kid. I've never been on it longer than a two-week period of time before. But, I do know of its side effects and I know several people that DO take it on a regular basis.
Stupid fucking prednisone .......

Discontinue use immediately if psychiatric disturbances occur including depression, euphoria, insomnia, mood swings, personality changes, and even psychotic behavior.

NEXT DRUG PLZKTHX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so now i'm a massive hunt to reconcile all the people i told to fuck off and/or scared the shit out of. SORRY!!
Hey thanks, your not too bad yourself wink

and yup sounds like you need new meds.
been there, done that.
Okay, so maybe trying to kill myself wasn't such a hot idea. OD'ing on sleeping pills is fun for like...the first 2 hours....then the following 72 hours are a living hell. Not to mention scaring the living shit out of those who are my true friends. I don't know why I'm taking things so hard, I really wish I wasn't. Not so close to school...
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Current temperature in my room: 82
Current thoughts in my brain: apathy, self pity, boredum, suicide, paranoia

"Tick tock....time is running out. How far will he let it go until the cord is cut? skull "

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Oh yea...this is for the ladies. Signs that you're about to get dumped and/or they don't give a shit about you and only want you for...
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I was coming over here for another reason... But, Girlie nobody is worth that over!! I know it's difficult as heck to go through the ups and downs of a relationship and all... There are so many more people out there. Don't spend your time worrying or thinking about someone that doesn't treat you right. *Hugs* kiss
the cuttings on your thighs are beautiful.

and i have the worst sign ever to put in this list.
11) when he calls you and says he wanna see you at night. you both set up a place to meet and then you wait for him but nothing happens. when you already pissed off, because he doesn't pick up the phone and is already going back home, he shows up and said: i'm sorry. i fell asleep.
South Burbs, fer sure. smile

Yeah, myspace is pretty damn crowded. I'll make a note to keep in contact with you through here.
I started prednisone today ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prednisone ) and even though my doctor told me to not be worried about the side effects cuz its such a small dose I'm on, I'm still a little worried about gaining weight. I can't get any fucking fatter than I already am. And I hate side effects. Does anyone have any personal experiences with this drug?? Wish me luck....
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**WARNING** LONG BORING BLOG AHEAD. FEEL FREE TO SKIP THIS ENTRY!! (if you do venture into reading this, you may want to wear a helmet)

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I'm having trouble figuring out what makes people "good". In general. Its not religion...because there are plenty of jerk ass christians out there...its not life experience...Who developed morals? If we were brought up to be polyamorous,...
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myspace friends!


haha. ahhh...
I will offer anyone who wants to do this 10 grand, plus my car, tv, computer and gaming systems....and any other thing they can hock for money.....if they will kill me. I preffer strangulation, but a gunshot to the head point blank will work also. I have my plan for doing it myself which I may be putting into action soon. No worries, I'm just...
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You see? This is what happens when people go to Indiana. Nobody believes me that it destroys lives.
(Feel better!)