So I got stood up again today, this seems to be a recurring event. I just don't get it I'll meet a cute girl, we'll get to talking and really hit it off. Then she'll either just give me her number or I'll ask for it, and they'll even tell me to make sure to call them. Then when I do they'll either talk to...
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My boots are like probably my favorite posession, my dog would be my favorite but I don't consider her a posession she's like my child. Ohh yah they have spurs, I don't ride horses or anything, I just think they look and sound cool.

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Its just before my bedtime, and I have been thinking. Now that its starting to get nice my body and spirit is craving change. So I'm thinking about dyeing some of my dreads black, and bleaching a few of them, and doing one or two with black and white stripes. I just don't know though could use advice, but seeing as I already bought the
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Oh wow.

I'm sooo glad it's the weekend!!! I'm totally getting f*#ked up, White Punks on Dope style!!!


My thumb was almost completely healed from shooting a nail through it last year with a nail gun. And right at the start of work today I smashed it of course. In a shop full of hammers I totally ended up smashing it with a wrench. I was actually really clumsy today must've been day dreaming.