I got the fuckin' DETHALBUM today. It's insanely awesome. Everything good about the show has been expanded and completely redone for serious. Not only that, the LTD Edition, (which I, of course, have) comes with the music video for "Bloodrocuted" (which is a killer song) and the first episode of Season 2. At $16.99, it don't get much better than this. GO FORTH AND GET...
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Yo guys. What's goin on. Let me know. I hate being out of the loop. Club tonight. So, I better see certain people there! I'll be there a bit late, got work till 10. Be there around 11. Alright guys, ttyl.
you look really familiar.. i think ive seen you around somewhere before..
Dude, it's been like, forever since I updated this sheot. Think it's time for an update? Me too. So, here's the deal. The driver's liscence came back to me, work is good, school is shit, and I got to see Front 242 on the 22nd. Oh, and my Thanksgiving was awesome, thanks for asking. I obtained the new Rammstein album, Rosenrot. I still play Halo...
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Well guys, it's almost October 22nd. Which means, it's almost time for the Ren. Faire and Corvus Corax. Which also means it almost October 28th, which means Rammstein's new album, "Rosenrot" will be out! I'm so excited, I can't wait! It's heavily rumored that one song is sung in SPANISH!!! That's ridiculous!
Ahhh, what a great day/night. Let's start it off by having class at 11 and getting out at 12:30. Next, throw in not having to work...so I got to go back to sleep until 6pm. That was crucial. Then my buddy John calls me up and wants to go with me to the club. Cool, so he wants to leave and get there when the...
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Yea, sorry that we didn't get to go to the boardwalk yesterday... but we should hang sometime soon... where ever... just because skull

Thanks for partying with me last night!
Yeah so I had a good weekend on one hand, and on the other hand my weekend was bad. Good things include getting drunk, playing lots of WoW, and enjoying a day off. The Bad includes: a hangover, work, and hooking up with someone whilst i was drunk, and someone taking some pictures o_O

So what do I do to cheer me up? Listen to...
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I kinda wanna die....my head hurts soooooo much

well i'm going to bed now, talk to you guys tomorrow
Had a pretty good night at the club this week, except for getting hit in the nose by some douchebag's head and getting leveled in the pit. Knobby played a ridiculous set...including "Dr. McCoy" by S.P.O.C.K. Who plays that?!?! It's so good!

On another good note...I'll be hitting Wildwood in 2 weeks with Vortex. I can't wait! I've been deprived of the boards all...
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