$1.00 Tip From Anonymous


From eyes52


I just saw your set and it's Exquisite and as always you're Absolutely Gorgeous with Beautiful Enchanting eyes love it!😍

From desult


Hey, I just stumbled upon your profile and wanted to stop by and say hi. You have a lot of awesome photos!

Thank you 💙
You're welcome! I'll refrain from throwing too many compliments your way, but I do think you have a really cool like. You have nice cheek bones that go great with the shape of your chin and smile. I really dig your subtle freckles and complexion. You pull off your eye make-up very well. You also pull off the way you color your hair; it looks good on you. Otherwise, very appealingly shaped all around! I'd like to chat more, but I don't want to just talk about how photogenic you are, so I wanted to get it all out in one post.

I can't wait to see your first set 😗😗😗

My set will be out soon, now I'm looking for a studio. I'm glad that someone is waiting for my set <3 <3 <3
I  guarantee that I'm not the only one. You're gorgeous. 

From kaicito


Wow, you're perfect for SG! Great body and ink, but really it's your lovely and unique face that sets you apart. I know the queue is insane, so we'll probably have to wait until Christmas for your first set ;-)

From sgfan525


You are stunningly gorgeous and incredibly sexy! You have a beautiful smile and I love your no-makeup photos. You are a natural beauty :) I wish you all the best in your quest for pink!

Thank you very much for the nice words! <3