Three weeks of Italian 1 ended yesterday and the grades got posted today................and I got a..............C.

And let me just say that that is a good thing.........a very good thing. I put my final audit in and hopefully all I need to graduate are 2 classes that I already signed up for this coming fall.

So that's the good news............and the bad news is I...
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howdy! thanks for the welcome! ARRR!!!
Yes, I have hit the mildly big 2 5! wink wink

Since I haven't wished myself a happy b-day I might as well do it on my journal so............................Happy Fucking Birthday Me! (man I'm stupid)

Me and Mary (The Great Girlfriend) went to Baltimore this past weekend for my b-day and we had a great fucking time. So much so that we are going back...
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Well it is a sllllllllloooooooowwwwwwwww Sunday.........not much going on.........kinda still tired after working yesterday.

Stupid semester on its way to being over and that my friends is a good thing.

I'm going to take one summer class to help make up for the 3 I dropped this semester. Should be really fun! frown

I guess that is it for now..................how is everyone else's weekend going??????????
you work too much!! go, leave, get a massage, stop and smell the flowers, have a drink at a seedy bar, or whatever floats your boat ... you deserve it..

Be kind to yourself!

Cheers Friend!

A very happy birthday to you! smile
Well so much for saying that I was going to keep up with my SG journal. eeek frown

I should be ashamed of myself really. surreal

There really isn't much new to talk about other than the fact that I am no longer among the single people. wink ahhhhh.........no offense or anything. wink

It is currently 12:33am and I'm sitting in front of my computer listening Clutch and not being...
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yes, smilies are good smile
So it has been a while since I updated............things have been kinda weird for me lately.

The horrible semester continues and now I am down to only one class cause I had to drop my third one yesterday. I have since then tried to figure out why the hell I can't seem to get into the whole class thing. It looks like I'm going to...
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Why'd you drop it, and what was the class?

Oh, and welcome back from the brink of oblivion. wink
Busy, busy, busy, and more busyness (if that's a word)

So the semester isn't going quite as well as I had originally planned. frown

Although I'm not to sure I had an original plan to begin with. Hopefully I will get by this semester by the skin of my teeth and if I do I will be a very happy man. wink

Only thing new to report...
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good luck getting by the semester and the new girl kiss
yaya! a new girl! happy happy joy joy! for you, a little sprinkling of my positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa positivity ooo aaa
Well it has been a while since I updated and I actually have time today to post so thats just what I'm going to do.

I have been fucking busy lately. School, work, and helping my father who broke his ankle a few weeks ago. These days I have two states: tired and really fucking tired. puke

As for school I'm so behind it's not...
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hey stranger. just wanted to give you props for working so hard. good focus. wish I could focus like that. take care and get through this crazy school shit. life gets harder after, but you will gain a very self-fulfilling independence and respect. good on ya!
Me? Well, I dropped one of my courses and I'm failing another one already, but at least now I have a paycheck!!! confused
First I would like to thank everyone who posted on a tired man's journal....................Thanks! wink

Last weekend was bad with work and stuff but I got through it some how.

Only thing is I'm a little behind in my classes and that fucking sucks cause now I have to try and get caught up......... frown

So what have all you crazy cats been doing these past...
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painting, sleeping, cleaning, trying not to lose my temper.. ya know the usual...
don't be a stranger, Clyde! robot
I figured I would update once before I start a long ass two days of work. frown

I am so fucking tired that I honestly don't even know how I am typing this right now. But it seems like it's working for me some how.

I will be so glad when this weekend is over............I haven't had much time to get back to you guys but...
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Happy Sunday Clyde
So there is one day of the week down. biggrin

Now just a few more to go................honestly it wasn't as bad as most Monday's can be.

Man am I really this boring???????

Looks that way.

Anyway...................how was everyone else's Monday?????
Just swell, thanks! Don't worry, boring is a state of mind, until you make it a state of being. smile
afternoon dearest, littles are pukin so im not in a writin mood just thought Id say hi and give ya cyber hug xoxoxoxo
Ahhhhhhhhhhh Sunday the day before my dumb ass weeks start. frown

Going to go get myself some comics and such today cause there is a sale at one of the shops I go to..............then I might head to Best Buy and buy some DVDs and/or CDs. skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull

Then of course its fucking homework time.............who the hell doesn't love that shit............right..................I mean am I wrong? confused

How was everyone...
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I had an alrighty weekend. Saturday took the littles on thier first choo choo train ride, was like magic for them : ) When the train came down the track all three littles bent over to see and made those lil O circles with thier mouths and thier eyes lite up : )

Sunday my twins sang in church, that was very cute.. Em who usually just stands there frozen or with her head buried in the teachers lap sang like a champ for the first time...(but then she is currently in love with the chorus teacher) Mari who usually is the singer hid behind another lil girl only to poke her head out on occassion to stick her licker out!
Ant made me want to crawl in a hole he was so badly behaved.. rolling all over the floor snickering but it was alright all around...

Have a great week clyde

I got called for a job in a comic bookstore a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, the hours were in conflict with my classes!
My dream of being that hot girl behind the counter of a comic book store was shattered! And I wanted so badly to be queen of the geeks!

Anyway, my weekend was boring. I'm glad the weekstart is here! Yay homework! biggrin
Updates?..........................We don't need no stinking updates!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay maybe we do maybe we don't who knows...............I am tired as all fucking hell and it really sucks. frown

It's crazy but I feel like there is this unseen force that is pushing and pullling me where and when I need to be like class and work and anything else I need to do..............It's almost as if I'm not...
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Hi there. Just wanted to thank you for your welcoming comment. I hope you're a little less tired today. wink
Yea, my body sometimes just gets out of bed before the alarm even rings, and my head mostly feels like a ton of lead on my shoulders. I feel ya man