yeah, well my plans have changed. It turns out I'm going to be going to Georgia for 3 weeks on May 21st to see some family friends. So the job searching is scrapped for now since Im leaving, so now I'm home all day doing nothing, ha ha. I did go at out last night with some new people though so that was cool, enjoyed...
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hope both the bday and trip go well
happy birthday biggrin
wow, it's been a long time since I updated. I update and check my Myspace everyday, but this one always eludes me. Well I got my lip pierced, loved it, then had to take it out 2 days ago since my parents are so rushing me to get a job. I felt like I lost a part of me, I miss it. As soon as...
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well when you get some time practice...you really cant be getting any worse over time...that is really unlikely.

keep an eye open for oppertunities to get into a band then see where they take you, never know what can happen.
yeah, well not to much has happened as usual. I went to the Zakk Wylde Black Label Society concert on Wednesday, it was awesome. Other than that it was a pretty relaxed week, just hanging around, played lots of guitar. I hope I can find something to do tomorrow, today was really boring. Well take it easy everyone.
ah some time off thats always good to have
wow, Im updating, what a shock, huh. Ha ha, Well thanks everyone for your comments and such but sadly it lasted less than a week. I guess Im just not the relationship kind of person, it never works for me. Its that big of a deal though, im glad we split before I really got attatched. Its actually a break, were going to try again...
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ah well it was good while it lasted eh?

hope that you find a good new job
eeek Update! I'm shocked!

Well, if you've got to be like somebody, best to be like someone hugely succesfull.
wow, exciting weekend. I went to my friends to celebrate his birthday party. Turns out the singer in his band likes me, I like her to, shes awesome. Were not technically dating now, were still getting to know each other and stuff, but its still cool. Im kind of happy in my life, its weird, but the whole relationship thing is weird to me. Well...
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Sweet. Sounds like good news to me man. Rock on with your bad self. ARRR!!!
that's great that you found someone you like. Hope it all works out for ya.
oh man, today was my last day at work. They got me a cake and everything, it was crazy. Its really not going to be the same without me there but I got to do what I got to do. This weekend im going to strip everything a/v from my car, take it to the shop, get all my electrical crap fixed, then take it...
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well that was pretty ncie of them at work...

i put in three years at my last job too...
man, I need to get a life. Well I put in my two weeks notice at work Friday so I have about a week and a half left, I plan on taking a week to relax and then getting a new job. I dyed my hair black Wednesday and it looks pretty good, except I didnt do my goatee so I have black hair and...
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2 cm in diameter?

dvd player in the car? is it worth the cost? since you could just get a powerbook going back there...
I have no life, thats why I havent updated in awhile. Well I did get my license finally so I can drive, ha ha. Been on a quest for a new job, I have to leave mine, Im miserable there, and its funny to see them trying so hard to get me to stay. Im looking for a 9 to 5er, getting home at 10...
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good luck with the job search.
im going for the septum piercing first then the wrist tat...i hear both of the two are pretty painful...

only issue i saw about the wrist is if its too far foward it will wear off quickly but i think the placement i got is ok.

well about college - its different...from what ive seen about it. different than HS but in a good way.
Hey. How are you doing today? Good I hope. This week was a little busy. Had driving school this week and that sucked. Last day of that is this Monday. Wish me luck on the test, ha ha. First thing Im going to do is go job hunting, I got to get a new one. I got my G4 Powerbook off layaway yesterday. Its great...
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strange...google finds nothing of it.

if its a minidv camera and uses firewire (ieee 1394), then you should use imovie to get movie clips.

though if its shooting stills and used special software it doesnt look like its gonna work...
and thanks for the nice words about my essay.

i wrote it in 8th grade and totally forgot about it till a few days ago...
Hey, everyone. Hows it going out there? Guess whats happening here, if you gussed nothing, well your right. Ha ha, well really nothing has been happening. Holidays were ok, nothing special. Well good news is I finally made arrangements to take driving school. The guy was supposed to call me tonight to make the final appointment but he didnt so hopefully tomorrow. Ill start monday...
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Ferrets kick ass. But they kind of stink though.

Good like with the driving class/test. I did mine that way, and it made it a lot easier.
ooh - ferret!

good youre getting driving school...
Hey, everyone, hows it going? Ok here. Well you know what Ive been up too? you guessed it - absolutley nothing. Work and computer/music, thats it. I really need to get a life. The holidays are so depressing when your alone. Everyone is happy but you. Thats how I feel. Christmas is tomorrow and Im just not feeling it. Oh well. Well I hope you...
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i didnt feel it either, damn school causing all this
How were your hollidays? I hope all went well.