The Blagojevich

I have a history with Kuma's. The first time I went there my burger was overcooked and I got fries instead of chips. Hmmm. Not much of a history really. Anyway every other week I work down the block from Kuma's and today the people decided to go there for lunch. The special - the Blagojevich. It was, base:grilled cheese sandwich, followed...
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August 29, 1997
Today we will blog about work. I do moslty infrastructure I.T. networking which is connecting you to the rest of your network and to the internet. I set up the backbone of the network and almost never touch a client computer. I also do wireless connectivity. We have a client who has over 200 Wireless Access Points (WAPs or APs) and I...
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Let the Right One In

I was working in Chicago today around Belmont and Western and whenever I'm there I visit my friends at Challengers comics. Today however I also made my way over to Piper's Alley to go see Let the Right One In. Mostly because my boss was talking about going to see it there otherwise I wouldn't have known it was still...
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Is that a pop-up book?

Greg Titus was describing a book about prison life and how if you were a guy in prison, you got raped. The longer you went, the worse it was. How sheets would be put up like curtains, covering your cell door and 8 guys would have a go at you. As a joke I asked if it was a pop-up...
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Bears Packers

It's Sunday, September 14, 2008. The Bears play at Carolina so, fan that I am, I wear one of my Bears shirts. (Hey they won last week, I HAVE to wear it or jinx them.) Tomorrow I work in Appleton, WI which is about 20 miles from Green Bay but I'm driving up today. So do I wear my Bears shirt and risk...
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At the movies

Saw Tropic Thunder last Friday. Very funny, though my standard Ben Stiller complaint holds: he likes playing stupid guys. Granted that holds true for a lot of actors (Will Ferrell, anyone?) I somehow seem to want him to break that mold. The movie's a comedy about filming a war movie with actors who can't act. The moment I knew I'd love it...
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Long Time No Blog

I've been busy. Actually I've only been occasionally VERY busy but I've been totally burned out. The last 2 weeks of July were hectic and I probably worked an extra 40-50 hours that period including working one 12 hour day , the next day driving 4 hours to Appleton (close to Green Bay), working 8 hours and then driving back so...
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WWC 2008: Final Tally

Kelly Howlett: Substrate
Agnes Garbowska: Collection of Art Vol. 1
Bawidamann: Pinup Sketch Collection
Bawidamann: Axis and Allies Sketchbook
Michael Turner: 2008 NYC Comicon 2 sketchbook set
Keron Grant: Kosmic Flow
Keron Grant: The Art of Keron
Linsner: 2008 Dawn Sketchbook
Linsner: 2008 Not Dawn Sketchbook

Saucy Space Fair summer 2008 issue
Action Satisfaction Supreme! 1
Pulp Will Eat...
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Amanda Palmer and the Boston Pops

The Boston Pops Edge Fest is underway.

Video here if YouTube doesn't show up.
Check out Boston.com as well. About a minute in she looks at the Tambourinist and laughs. I love little moments like that.
An interesting review of the evening here.
So I had a busy Saturday. I worked and while the stuff we had planned to do went by SO quickly I honestly was reworking my day's schedule other things cropped up and I didn't get out til 12:30.

Saw the Hulk. Now I liked Ang Lee's Hulk but I knew going in it was an Ang Lee movie. The Hulk can be interpreted as...
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