Firstly... thank you to everyone who replied to my last entry and was so lovely... I don't quite know where all that came from but I know I can't actually do anything to really help her unless she does something herself... it's out of my hands. whatever

Secondly... if I don't get some sleep soon I think I may actually die, lol... either from sheer exhaustion...
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Well that was actually the first time i'd seen snow in something like ten years...hence the excitement...everytime there has been even the tiniest amount of snow in bournemouth i've been elsewhere!

Anyway i'm sure there's more than enough exciting things for you to be doing in Canada to be bothered about the lack of snow! kiss

I managed, somehow, to get cheap last minute tickets and I'm going back to Canada on thursday... only four days to go! I can't quite believe it, it's all so surreal... I'm going to see my boy again, and he's already got two lovely ladies waiting to meet me, if you know what I mean! wink

Oooooh, I'm so excited! *jumps up and down*

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I did that once now I have a son biggrin
I'll try not to wink
biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin


why? ok, here we go...

1) I made a 'lustings' folder in my pics which was soooooo much fun... it's full of people I lust after... so if you want to see, it's HERE

2) My mum went shopping for me first thing this morning, so when I woke up I had loads of pots of Tesco Finest...
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ohh the small things in life is what matters! wink
enjoy all the sims and have a blast in canada .. need to try out that sims game sometime smile)
That last entry was far too depressing... so I'm replacing it with a survey... post your own answers as a comment if you wish! I love reading these things! biggrin


1. What is the middle name of the first person you ever had sex with?
She doesnt have a middle name

2. What kind of underwear are you wearing and what colour?
hahaha.. Im not...
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1. What is the middle name of the first person you ever had sex with? Can't remember that far back, lol

2. What kind of underwear are you wearing and what colour? Black briefs, although I like your answer ;-)

3. What is the song you want played at your funeral? Fade to Black - Metallica

4. What would your last meal be before getting executed? Chicken madras and Stella

5. Beatles or Stones? Iron Maiden

6. If you HAD to pick one person on earth who should die, who would it be? The bloke that cut me up this morning

7. The person whose problems you would never want to hear again? Lot's of people

8. What is the thing most important to you (physical) about the preferred sex? Honesty

9. Do you secretly hate some of your friends but are too nice to reject them? No

10. If you could have any super power what would it be? Immortality

11. Favourite hangover cure? Water

12. How many drinks does it take to get you drunk? A lot

13. Favorite Song Lyric(s)? Can't remember just one, there's too many.

14. Hair color you most like someone you're dating to have? Don't care

15. If you had to be blind or deaf, which would you choose? Blind

16. Do you have any psychiatric problems? No, I'm perfect, lol

17. Siblings that should go to rehab? No

18. Least favourite month? January

19. First movie you can remember seeing as a kid? Star Wars

20. Favourite person in the whole world? Me

21. When's the last time you went on a date? About 3 months ago

22. Do you like violent movies or dirty movies? Both

23. Fall or spring? Autumn

24. Person you most wish you hadn't made out with? A married woman a few years ago

25. If you are straight, what person of the same sex would you do it with? None

26. Where do you want to live when you are old and brittle? Portugal I think

27. Who is the person or persons you can count on the most? Me again, lol

28. If you could date any celebrity past or present, time and age who would it be?
Angelina Jolie, is a good enough shout

29. What books have you pretended you've read? Never pretend anything

30. What's a word you would use to describe your life? Sensible

31. Favourite drinking game? All

32. What did you dream last night? Nothing I can remember

So you moving here or I'm moving there? smile
First of all, if you haven't seen it yet, go look at vivid's new set Top Hat by LithiumPicnic .... it's fan-fucking-tastic!!! I adore Mr Picnic's work, he's an amazing photographer, and that set is one of his best in my opinion!


Well now... I've been trying to stay away from underwear sites in an attempt to kerb my obsession with panties... but...
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ok so i am fucked!!!!!!!

tryin to be good!!!!

but it is hard (?) when there are hotties msgin ya!!!!!!!!!

fatboy's like me ain't used to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you makin this chubba blush!!!!!

I'm feeling extremely random today... so this entry will be about random things...

I LOVE PersephoneRising. She's amazing and lovely and wonderful and I think she deserve to know it! kiss And oneday, I really hope I get to meet her in person!

I want Eddie Izzard's babies... seriously... I want him to impregnate me so I can have his children! He is a God...
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blush blush blush blush blush
biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
love love love love love

awwwwwwwwww shucks! thanks!
i LOVE you too...it would be super sweet to meet you in person biggrin

wow...that gag reflex sounds...interesting...<furiously scribbles in a mental notebook> wink

ummmm so ANYWAY...

i just joined Girls Only and hell yeah i think it will be my new love (though i will still be faithful to remix albums...i just think we need to see other people).

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
there's been a sort of firestorm in the feminist group for which i'm not responsible but it makes me think twice about speaking my mind and emotions on women's issues when there's critical guys around. sigh.

whenever i say something interesting in a sex group/board i get friends requests from men whose profile pics and journal entries are crotch shots. i guess the "i'm bi and i have a bf and i am only interested in women so back off" thing doesn't quite work so well whatever

evil ex issues dreams are the worst...i have some of those too. every once in awhile i have a nice memorable dream though. and that's good.

i don't think i've had dreams where i think something happened in real life and it didn't. but i do have dreams where i think i've woken up and started my day and then something completely crazy happens (like i dunno, my friends appearing and saying they need help burying bodies) that makes me realize that i'm dreaming...but usually i can't wake up then i have to wait til the alarm sounds or something. this can happen 2 or 3 times within the same dream. it's very very very disorienting cause then when you wake up for real you're not quite sure if you're really awake surreal

well glad to know you didn't lose your passport. i did. about a year before 911. imagine my utter fear when i realized i would have to admit to losing it and ask for another one in the middle of the crazy tightening of security. but they were chill about it. surprisingly. whew!

hope your throat feels better ASAP! kiss kiss kiss kiss
hugs! kiss kiss kiss

OH NO! i wish i was a psychic cause i so want to help you find your passport.

yeah i've been working a lot i think i totally got confused about that sequence of events

homer no function beer well without tongue
135..... 135!!!!!!!! eeek

How could anyone in their right mind pay 135 for a pair of knickers?!?!?!

Though, having said that, if I were rich as could be I'd probably be spending that much money on knickers... I'm addicted to buying underwear! I have hundreds of pairs of knickers in all shapes, sizes, textures and colours!

Anyway... here are the knickers in question... and they are...
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omg omg omg i want i want i want! love

and i'm not even into buying undies.

hoisery is my vice purchase of choice biggrin

my other vice of course is SG...jeez oh pete so i'm ashamed a little cause yeah i was grey for all of 24 hours, possibly less (they didn't tell me what time i went grey and i was at my bf's parent's house so i couldn't very well check.)

hell yeah sg collages rule! i'm so glad to know i'm not the only one with one! biggrin

yeah i used to be like that and now i'm just so extroverted it's not funny cause i just don't care what i say or wear or whatever. i got this very dangerous attitude somewhere along the way that i should be myself and if people don't like me then it's good that i find that out ahead of time before i'm somehow convinced them i'm a good normal person.
that said i'm am extremely aware during and after the fact that i may be THAT PERSON that people despise and so i am self concious and get eaten up about what people think of me when i'm all alone. but somehow when i'm around people i just don't feel like caring.
i tend to be the sort of poser who says things that someone of my race/subculture/gender/etc shouldn't say. like if someone called me on it i'd have to be like "yeah i say whatever i find funny/cool/whatever i the f i wanna and i don't think i need to be engrained in a subculture to say it"
this could easily get me an asswhomping but yeah i can't stop. i like a few songs/movies/tv of just about every genre and yet i don't listen to/watch the others and certainly don't put myself into a subculture box.
god ok i don't think that makes sense. it makes sense to me though. i'm weird. whatever

well toodles! love ya! big hugs! extra exclamation points!!!!! biggrin kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Those are gorgeous! But 135? No thanks!
My computer has died... again... and this computer (my mum's) takes around five minutes to load each page, and that's just driving me insane... so please forgive my lack of communication recently and for the foreseeable future...

But for now... a very VERY long rant.... biggrin


I am growing to hate this country more and more each day, I really am.

I watched a programme...
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good rant, i agree..

yep, xmas was okay, went too damn quickly though. how about you?
Some one likes typing eeek

Lots and lots and lots biggrin

...and lots and lots and lots tongue
Whilst I was in Canada, I got new hair... yayness indeed!

I've been losing my hair for quite a few yars now due to illness, so I usually wear a wig... and this is my new one.

You can't really see very well cos it's a crap photo-booth photo and my scanner is a pile of pants... but it's black with loads of brights red...
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love love love love love love love love love love

you are sooooooooooooooo beautiful! and the wig looks great too wink

sad to hear you've been bored and depressed but the random facts are pretty sweet.

who'da thunk that blind chameleons still change colors! surreal

thanks for the love on the pics sweetie! kiss kiss

love ya! big hugs! kiss kiss kiss
Sorry, wrong button. Will you forgive me?
I'm bored and depressed so you lucky people get more random useless facts! Woot! wink

Strangely, a donkey will sink in quick-sand but a mule won't.

The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as a substitute for blood plasma in an emergency.

When glass breaks, the cracks move at speeds of up to 3000 miles per hour.

Blind chameleons are still able to change colour...
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i LOVE those bisexual bonobos!!! six pounds of lipstick? that's got to do something to the innards.... eeps! eeek
that's not useless...that's...completely...informa...alright, it's useless.
Though bonobos have sex for just about everything, "say hi," have sex, "greet your friends," have sex, "lets get something to eat," have sex...what a life...