so again it is late night (not extremely late for you night owls, but late enough where getting up early will be a chore) and i find myself seraching these corners of suicide girls for a girl, which is the main reason i joined SG. i figured it would be a good platform for meeting people of the same mindset. i love looking at peoples...
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sunday sunday sunday!! (imagine that said with a monster truck rally voice) soooooo, i totatly flaked out on a friends b-day party last night. hadn't heard from her in almost a year and a part of me thinks she just called ot invite me that way she would have a higher body count at the party. plus it was at a club - 1) i...
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thank you smile
i could put rings in, i would like to get a pair so if i ever felt like changing them or something, but right now i dont have the money...these new studs were a christmas present smile but my birthday is this saturday so who knows wink

i like to start my nights early too, although i usually start early and end late...so i dont know if that helps me at all...

[Edited on Jan 31, 2006 11:41PM]
so my roommates and i are having a party in two weeks, wanna know what the theme is.... drum roll please... dudududududududududud - EDWARD 40 HANDS!!! when people enter our apartment their hands will be taped to a 40oz. beer. guys get each hand taped, girls get both to one. fun right? they have to drink to free them. no eating, no bathroom, no scratching...
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Yes, I'm 22 and married biggrin And i've been married for 2 years.
I think your party theme is cool, but what about the ppl that don't like beer?
First off you are so hot wink in your black sock and every pic you have here.
And I dont go to parties much but that sounds like fun.
if you like black socks i would check out my new pics.... tee hee hee.... biggrin
i work in the East Village at this place that's open 24 hours on the weekend (thurs-sat) and til 8am-3am the rest of the week
and i like the people i work with (apart from the owner who's hardly there and picks on me and has threatened to fire me because when it's really slow i look at the paper..even if all my sidework and shit is done...ok sorry tangent) but yeah
i like the location
famous people come in..well sometimes and..famous to me haha
and i got the hours i want...i think it will be pretty hard to find a place where i can get 10-5 hours
however because of this owner bullshit (even the managers think he's acting like a slave driver) i've been thinking about quiting
but i can't right now because i'm moving
so i need to keep making steady money
hahaha i've been there..i know every dead baby joke. i rock. haha
well i have been very busy and the internet has been down so here we go....

does anybody feel like they are never using life to the fullest? i sit here all day am make lists, cd's to buy, movies to watch, shit to paint, addresses to put in my contact folder, digital camera to learn, tattoos to draw, tattoos to get, bills to pay,...
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geeez you must make a lot of money
cos that apt must cost a fortune! it's nice! and big!

and i feel EXACTLY the same way you do about not feeling like i live life to the fullest
...same thing..lists of books i was to read, movies i want to see (love netflix), so many places i want to go, etc etc
but instead ..5 days a week i go to work (at a dead end job --waitressing) to make money to pay bills..and now i'm moving again (staying in astoria) next week so there goes a shitload of money
so i have to save for that much longer before i can afford to go anywhere

my bf's sister is unemployed ..has been for months and just went on vacation to puerto rico with their mother
and i was like wtf! i need a vacation..she doesn't do anything what the hell does she need a vacation for?!
and my bf was like "she's been working for 13 years so she has savings"
but just like you said...i dont' want to have to WAIT to live..to do what i want to do

and i have no idea what i want to do with my life career wise
ps you look different in every picture hehe
OH GOD, INTERNET IS DOWN AND IT IS BAD!!! okay i just fixed the internet after like a week but i am running out the door to go watch underworld evolution. i will be back shortly and fill you in on my escapades. hope you all having been doing some fun stuff. smile
new with me, new with me.... hmmm... well my friend jocelyn is moving back to chicago on friday. frown you can see pics of her in my friends pic folder. she is takin a break from nyu to kinda clear her mind, get some shit together. i have just been workin like a dog. all good things. spending a lot of time at the hungryman production...
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hi back fellow brooklynite wink
oh, and i say save it for filming...
so i am almost done with day 4 of painting. it has been easy but hellish at the same time. i am just tired and hungover. guess where i slept last night? give up... nyu dorm. oh i am a bad, bad man! i got freakin wasted. started out sharing one of the huge bottles of wine (pinot grigio) and then split a bottle of...
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My stories would leave all of your heads spinning. Believe me you don't want to get sucked into my drama.

And that's gross. You are soooo cleaning that up. tongue

Yeah I am doing as well as can be expected right now.

And I can't sleep, because I can't. Bad things happened to me once a few years ago and since then I have trouble sleeping.
so i met the former mayor of new york, ed koch, yesterday on the fresh direct shoot. now i have five days ahead of me painting the production office where i used to intern. i am getting paid more than my normal day rate and working less hours so it is well worth it. gonna shave all the facial hair off tomorrow. should be fun....
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lovely love

I don't know why I always forget to go look in people's pic folders. miao!!

......oh yes- that's all me!

[Edited on Jan 12, 2006 11:36PM]
god i love black ass!! biggrin
so i am sending my laptop in to be fixed. the latch that keeps it closed is broken. frown so i might do an entry for a few days. but i shall return with some amazing stories! biggrin
Can't wait! smile
so i worked on a freshdirect commercial today. left my house at 6:15, got to set at 6:50, worked until about 7:45pm. yippie! easy day but boring. for the first 5 hours i sat in an elevator on a box, reading my book "the secret language of symbols" and made sure that no one from the building chose the floor that we were shooting on...
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i, too, watched harold and maude yesterday. surreal
Nope, no longer in New York unfortunately. Thanks for the comment on the lip rings. Can I just say I love the big southern biker chops in the one photo of you. Two thumbs up. bok
so i have a sunday morning hangover. started out drinkng johnny walker from the bottle (always a classy move), then i hade guiness with port. yes port, actually in the guiness. and then wne. so here i am, laying on my couch watching arrestd development on dvd. had my alka seltzer morning relief and letting it takes ts course. what to do today? might getting...
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did johnny walker write that entry? tongue

I could never choose just one piece. Well, maybe the designer Kitty jewelry I own- they aren't cheap. smile

[Edited on Jan 09, 2006 1:42AM]
thats awesome that you have the back of your neck done. i actually wanted to do that too. i heard it was illegal in the states though, unless you dont pocket it. apparently if you dont have it pocketed, your body can reject it really fast. you should put move pictures of the piercing up though, thats hot smile wink