one night
early in the morning
an empty truck full of bricks
ran over a dead dog and killed it.
And someone cried.
It really sucks when you're car is broken, and then your hard drive crashes. Now I can't go anywhere in real life or online.

Love you too Cerah! I'd say call me, but my phone's disconnected now too, haha. I'll call you though... there's a wicked show coming up that you might want to go to! Think less mosh pit more dance party...
When it rains it pours. And leaks over the side. And gets all over your shit. And makes you mad.

Fucking rain.

Oh yeah, bummer about your stuff too. biggrin
Holy shit. My head is pounding. I have not consumed that much beer in a long time.

The Edward 40 Hands party went off like a home-made explosive. Yeah. It was insane. A lot of people who said they were going to come ended up not calling me and bailing at the last minute, so it wasn't a rager, but all my best friends showed...
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omg dude... when did you get a beard?? lol

ps... I bet you can't guess who I am tongue

I'll give ya a hint... I won't be driving with you guy to San Fran this year pounding back redbulls. tongue

I got a beard while I was hiking the West Coast Trail, and then I just decided to keep it. It's nice to have now that it's so fuckin' cold out.

So yeah... how are you?! I haven't seen you since that horribly rained out party in Squamish, hehe. Have you done anymore travelling lately? A couple of weeks ago at work, I talked to this customer from Seaside, Oregon. He said the beaches are really nice, but it's kind of a tourist trap. But I still wanna go!

Hey... do you wanna hang out sometime soon? It's been a while. Maybe we could get Sarah in on it too... and hell, maybe Ry as well. It'll be like the road trip, but we won't be going anywhere, heh.

Do you still have my number?

<3 Chrisejay
OH SHIT! EDWARD 40 HANDS PARTY AT MY HOUSE TONIGHT!!! This is gonna be the raddest party. We're duct taping 40's to people's hands, and you can't take them off until you're done, mwahahaha!!!
So my friend Taylor says:

"This kid is like Jesus with a synth, i kid you not. You have no idea of the radness of Chris."

And I thought that was pretty damn cool. smile

You're fucking awesome Taybot!
yo whats up, no my school is not that cool its emily carr
Hehe, well I don't know about that. In reality I think Emily Carr is way cooler. I wish I went more in the artistic direction of post-secondary school. I ended up focusing on tech stuff, so for now I get to help idiot realtors fix their computers all day... wahoo! I've managed to find many channels for artistic release on the side though, so it's all good, but yeah... you're lucky. smile
It seems like so many of my friends are moving up to Kelowna. What's up with that? What did I ever do to you Kelowna? Huh? Now you gotta go and steal all my friends?! Yeah?! Well fuck you then!
Advice huh? Well... if you're planning on having roommates, be very careful who you choose. Most of the problems I've had in all of the places I've lived have stemmed from roommates. I guess living in close quarters with anyone is bad news, but it can work out well as long as you maintain a certain level of respect for each other. Aside from that, get a place with in-suite laundry. I don't know if you've ever had to hang out in a laundromat for hours on end, but it SUCKS ASS! Hmmm, what else? Ikea & the Great Canadian Superstore will be your best friends, whether you need food or stuff to cook food in. And I think that's it. Make sure you pay your rent. smile

So are you moving right downtown?
my best friend moved to kelona last year, but she came back this year so maybe your friends will come back too...that halloween benefit is so awesome, i hadnt heard of it before, but im certainly glad that you pointed it out, thanks!
I just about bought a condo, but I had it inspected, and it was leaky. Now I have to take a leak...

the leak is a blessing.. who wants to own a concrete box?
boo leaks, yay for taking one...
live fast, die young

city life is hard to take
when meeting real people
leaves you sifting through the fake
it's all i seem to see these days
instead of choosing life
you end up in an alley
on the wrong side of a knife
wishing for a saviour
but no one comes to help you
who's gonna come to help you?
they've all been...
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Hmmmmm... I'm updating my SG journal. I must really be bored! Here's some interesting lyrics by the amazing Tim Harrington of Les Savy Fav:

she was sweet sixteen
baby, beauty queen
straight white teeth
bathed in beauty cream
priss don't drink
priss don't smoke
shit don't stink
don't take jokes
botox and bobby socks cold as ice
all the boys were like white on rice...
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*stabs j00 in teh eyebawl*