looks like all all crying emo on vinyl for money, or in print. what a waste for loss of words.
hmph... emo
I know, turns out I have terminal spirit disease. All suffer, all want. Sucks to be taken! Reap then, It's only option.
Learned something today! Difference between. Went to the club to get my mind off things, and paid overpriced to listen to starving women. There is a big difference between the Mujeres on here artistes, and the crying girls working for spare change of that I am certain, lesson learned. Should have been concentrating on money, than listening to girls work.wink
My money is turning up useless. Who would have thought? blush
I think Texas may have actually approved my unemployment, thanks to some much needed help. Its been 6 weeks of wait, but putting the doubt with the rightful owner felt the best. Of course the funds are needed, but that's just the bonus. The people fuckerers know where to pick up payment if they are interested.skull
Glad Sunday is over! I get sick of hearing the same unfortunate story, but it pops up everywhere I look. They dressed you funny, get over and let us be. Thanks for martyring your mom buddy, don't look to me.surreal
apparently all my exes are trapped in here forever. I am so sad. kiss