So, it's real mighty Texas cold tonight. Freezing rain, loss of power, reading by candlelight cold. The juice came back recent-like, and lo, a journal entry appears.

I suppose I'll look back on these frigid moments in a couple of months and giggle nervously. You know, when it's 90 degrees at 2 in the morning, and humid like Swamp Thing's nether regions. Yep, boy, sure...
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Today was my day off at work so like I didn't work yesterday because of the ice and I didn't have to work today because it's my day off. Wow, can life be any better than this? I've just stayed in doors for two days being lazy and not having to do a damn thing. I guess this weather isn't so bad after all. biggrin
Taswell: Come to Austin. There will be much to do. And drink.

April: aint you just the luckiest? I pulled a 12 hour shift! Envy of you rolls off me like them wavy lines off Route 66 at high noon.
Tuesday came, Tuesday went. Gloom and despair dropped by, but Agony was busy elsewhere. Two outta three, and I'm punch-drunk and weaving, but still on my pegs and ready for the bell.

Yes, O reader, Grace has passed on to another part of the sea, leaving me sad and blue. And I look like shit in blue, give me uniform black.

But I digress. The...
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Austin, Texas my friend.


Hop a jet, share the love!
To hell with a jet. This is deserving of a road trip. This is the most awesome thing I've seen since http://www.incrediblystrangewrestling.com/
Grace returns.

so nice, O reader, to spend the eve with her. Walk with her, drink with her, be with her. I'd tell you what I did on stage in front of a crowd for her, but you'd never believe me. Truth, friend, is stranger than Fiction, especially with me at the helm.

Her hand in mine, under the stars.

Parting, embracing, eyes meeting, and...
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hey. just be grateful you're not Anthony Michael Hall.

hope tuesday is everything you hope it to be!

It's a fine state of being.

It's her name, too. Grace.

Some people are aptly named... you're introduced, and you think - nice touch on the name there, it fits you perfectly. And so it does with Grace.

How strange, that prior to this evening, the drive in my ticker was rage... rage at the bastards, rage at the world, rage to direct and...
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Its nice to see positive changes.
Out of the cold...

...into the flame. It's barely 2003, and my karmic wheel done got into the ditch, O reader. It's amazing what you can find in the ditch, lemme tell ya. Oh, sure, there's the usual beer bottles, fast food cups, and used gum. But I'm finding new things, like a better spine and a willingness not to let the bastards get me...
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I wish that my every whim was law. That way, there'd be no shortage of female soccer players, and every rock band would be required to have a talkbox instead of a DJ.

Frampton Comes Alive is a really great live record.
I'm in Seattle, holla if ya hear me...

Well the fallout has settled to a cheery grey haze, and with any luck there won't be too many mutations from it. I didn't even punch anything.

One fence was mended, another seems pretty well torn asunder. She'll be missed.

Did the XMas shopping today. Not as painful as it could've been, mainly because I was able...
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merry christmas cheshire!!!!!
Howabout some Phillip K. Dick? I don't think there's another sci-fi/fantasy author as fixated on drugs as Dick.

And my pupils were so big, I stared into a mirror and I could see my soul. It scared the shit out of me.
OK, yesterday it was grappling with mortality, today it's rage.

Somehow I managed to piss off just about everyone in my life here... and that aint too many people.

The irony- I was trying to be cool to all of them. I thought I was doing right, being nice, whatever... and it turned into 'let's pinch a loaf on your old pal Cheshire'.

What in...
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i saw a video of rob zombie's a while back with a scene straight out of the milk bar. that must have been it....

hope things are going better for you. i'm feeling better about where things are going in my world. yay!
you sound pissed. try not to punch anything that might complain.

but, by all means, punch.
All right, let's do this.

So I feel old right now. Like gas, this too shall pass. But it's here, and this little cathartic act should purge it, so bear with, O gentle reader.

Unlike many, I don't believe in reincarnation. I think we have one shot. We're born on borrowed time. We put our piece on Go and roll them fucking dice. Thing is,...
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It had been engrained in me that having at least one little green house near free parking was the goal for most of my life. But is that it? Are my accomplishments supposed to manifest in a ranch-style home with sod and the address spray-painted on the curb? That depresses me more than the thought of moving my grey thimble around the board until I can't even afford to stay the night at the big red mediterrenean hotel.

Happiness is where you find it. Your parents' happiness is not your own, it's just the only option you know.

I always liked the game of LIFE better anyway. Inhereting a skunk farm and fucking a pink peg is way more exciting.

[Edited on Dec 18, 2002]

[Edited on Dec 18, 2002]
Hey. Back.

Know anyone that loves their pet(s) a little TOO much? I'm not talking about bestiality, but this neurotic, over-the-top infatuation with a pet that a lot of people have. Where the pet becomes a surrogate child or lover...

Call me harsh or insensitive, but these fucking people are broken and need to wake the fuck up.

I have nothing against animals, or pets....
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FACT: girls with more than one cat are fucking trouble.
That's been my experience. More than one pet, period.

Surprised no one's lit my ass up about this...
Greetings, citizens. It's cold and wet here. Very un-Texas, extremely Seattle. Didn't I move? Or is the Big Feller upstairs giving me grief for my Jesus comments the other day? Dude, if so... a pill. Ingest one in your divine innards and lighten up. The Pissant In Chief is about to open a can of whoopass on Iraq, and you send me rain and cold...
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And lo, the holiday approaches... bow down and bear witness to the spectacle that is capitalism's O-face, the money shot, as it were. Jesus, if you're reading this... was it worth getting spiked to timber by a bunch of Roman rednecks? I'm thinking you might have some doubts after more than 2 thousand years of human-fucking-kind running amok down here on Earth... I sure know...
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but the princess is in another castle.
Heh. The princess is a wily one. She sneaks out the window sometimes. They may have pictures here...

Wow. Someone actually read my stuff. What a pleasant discovery... I thought I was sending words to the ether...

Just a castaway
an island lost at sea
another lonely day
no-one here by me
more loneliness
than any man could bear
rescue me before I fall into despair

or something along those lines. Anyway. Thanks. Keep reading. Tell your friends. smile
So, hey there. Helluva site, no? I'm diggin' it. Good to see such fine work (and ladies) from the Pacific Northwest. Makes me miss home - formerly from Seattle, now in the heart of Texas.

You still here? Fuck, I'm a regular Hemingway. Let's move on.

So, Texas... Austin to be precise. Great town so far. It's just... I know hardly anyone. Wah for me,...
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