Agreed! love
Eyes, Boobs, Ass, Legs, Face, Hair! All of these i've heard people normaly say. Wouldn't it be wierd if I said my big toe? haha!
[1] What is your middlename:
Elizabeth Isobel. hysterical combined with the rest of my name, I know..

[2] what color is your mailbox:
ermm...presumably it's white, to diguise it in with the rest of the front door. that must confuse and annoy the postman no end..

[4] Have you ever hit a deer:
I've hit an OLD dear. she said the youth of today are...
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Random indeedy!

The new tattoo idea sounds lush and in between your shoulders would be really nice!
YOUR WRIST!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA! I almost spit my drink all over the computer. puke

I still think the chest area is the best. Maybe just put it low enough to were you could coverit with most clothes but be able to show it off when you want to.

Glad to hear everything 's going well with you and your boy. Hope everything stays that way. smile
7 weeks ago......was Wednesday April 5th..

I was just reading back over my past blogs on my MySpaz.. What a turn around. In this survey I'd done (yes, on April 5th) I was heartbroken, and miserable about my lack of 1: Piercing apprenticeship 2: naked-on-the-internet status and 3: job. whatever
7 weeks on. Me and Matt are back together (he reiterated this evening that he feels...
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Since it all is about the heart. Put it near your heart. Do a kick ass chest piece and have the script in banners with it. Just an idea! smile
oh my fucking god.

you will NEVER guess what?
ok..deep breath people. are you sitting down?

Me..and my ex (Matt) are back together. shocked
love love love love love love kiss

i know. I cant believe it either! biggrin
please dont go thinking i'm insane, or fickle. I'm neither. whatever

I went over last night, to hang out, watch a movie etc etc.. And it was cool. I met him from work, we went...
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Awww wow thats awesome hun! biggrin
I really hope it all works out well for you guys kiss
I'm really happy for you! I hope everyting works out well and he's just not trying to get you back cause he can't deal with the fact you're giving it to someone else. Most guys ( I'm a guy) get territorial. I know I do. After being with someone for so long and then seeing them with someone else will really fuck with us.

I hope he's serious and doesn't fuck with you. And have fun with your travel plans.

Yes my arm fucking HURT!!!!!
why me? i guess i spoke too soon huh. it seems his 'ex' (a 17yr old..) is pregnant. apparently whatever
I'm well aware of 17 year olds pulling stunts like this, especially as he's not speaking to her so much since he's started seeing me..what a perfect reason to start speaking to her again..she's miles & miles away though, so he'd never know if she...
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WHAT? Lady, that sounds like a whole lot of drama. I hate to say it, but you could be right about this girl playing this cuz he's started seeing you. She's young, and that's no excuse really. If however it is true, well, i'm sorry.

I hope he does the decent thing in all of this. Why can't new relationships be easy, and start with a fresh slate?
that is such bullshit eeek
but i wanted to say that you're really pretty & i can't wait to see you as a SG biggrin
aww...had a great chat with my big sister (in Ireland) last night..told her all about my new man etc etc.. blush
and we were discussing wedding plans (hers, not mine!)

She was sooo pleased for me when I told her I'd made it into SG!
anyway anyway. this is her wedding dress. Imagine..this dress (no, it's not her in it) all her bridesmaids (including me) in...
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aww u got that whole warm fuzzy feelin goin on, like u just ate a whole load of cotton wool eh? sounds good, so twas defo the right decision to move back home then i see, good for u hun! i like that honeymoon period, n the thing ive been learnin is that when u spend time away from ur man like i am at the moment every bit of time u do get together is like the honeymoon period all over again!! blush kiss kiss
That dress is lush! love

We should totally hit Elegance some time my only fear is I won't be able to stop laughing at the state of them! biggrin

Oh and might be going to Every Time I Die if I am will defo keep a look out for ya! The guy seems cute its all good missus!
ok, update update.. What have I done? been on a date. It was good. No need to say more. He's happy, I'm happy. wink

Nearly lost a friend. then didn't. thank god. I'd be so hurt to lose his friendship. It'll all be ok in the end. shocked

I got the job at H&M. Start next week. I'm currently *loving* the song 'Save Us' by Cartel. I...
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thanks for the add smile
Strange that... I find sodomy quite pleasurable. Ahem. You missed out big time on Eurovision, it was the greatest television moment of our generation!
so. I applied. I got thru biggrin next step is gettin snap happy! fear not, my perverted little friends.. my naked ass is not that far away (despite the fact you can see it from space)

ahhhh..the sweet sound of life working out good whatever tongue surreal

yes. it sounds suprisingly similar to Home Sweet Home by Motley Crue.. (oh why do I love cock-rock so....?)
WELL DONE. I can't wait to see you all nakey, so hurry up and get one done.

And i know for a fact that nobody would be complaining if we got to see hot you, and hot Anrchie together. In fact, nope, i need to see that too.

Congrats. kiss kiss kiss
Woohoo! Congrats missy! biggrin

Can't wait to se what you come up with and yes, you and Anarchie have to do a set together!
hmm bad bad news. found out yesterday evening that after my shitty night out, a whole loada crazy shit happened to the very same people I had seen in the pub (my friends, not just random people!)..I only found out cuz Matt called me to let me know.

So first my gorgeous friend K got hit by a car - apprently it threw her right...
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yikes, sucks all that shit happened!
I'm hearing about more and more people getting beat up around Southsea it really sucks. I mean I think Portsmouth is such a nice place but this really ruins it. Crime statistics say you are 15% more liekly to be a victim of crime in this area than the national average... confused

I really hope they are all ok!!!!
what a morning. I woke, slightly abruptly at 7:20..I'd gone to bed at 3a.m, and it's not unheard of me to sleep solidly for 15 hours.. so anyway. I wake to the sound of the phone ringing. It was no one. I look at my watch, and panic, knowing family are home from weekend away soon, and how the hell did I sleep all day...
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many a time have i done the waking up thing & having a brain unable to read the proper time. Its kinda funny once you have woken up lol.

I Like the work you have tattooed, very cool & even better about the interview & your ink notbeing a prob. If only the world over had this view smile
Its so rubbish when your ex starts seeing someone else but it seems like the cute new guy may be able to keep you distracted! Sound like theres some potential there!!!

I didn't know you worked in Nicks! Hehe! I got my ears stretched in there and I'm currently itching for a new piercing...its so addictive! Think i might wait til after the exams tho. Portsmouth may be a place to complain about, I know I do, but I love it all the same!

Where are you applying for? Any chnace of a good clothes discount? Hehe! Good luck fro the interview I'm sure it'll be grand!

And yes, new RHCP is a bit pants but Anthony still manages to make me drool. Lots.
my mood was such that I slept late, purely to attempt to escape the overall feeling in my head and heart. I've had the day of a depressive - curtains closed, not getting dressed. eating a bowl of honey nut cheerios. despite the name, they don't cheer you up. I might sue. whatever

my mood was temporarily and slowly lifted by some sweet words from a...
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ugh, myspace people are weird
yes, cute guy came to see me whatever
and luckily it was quiet at work, so we chatted, whilst I fiddled, and absent-mindedly measured the same 4mm ring at least 300 times.. hehe
He's the kinda guy it's difficult to tell how he feels. You wouldn't put him at 25 either..he seems more..22, if not younger. But thats ok smile I'm quite flirty flirty with people I...
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Ex sounds like an ass. Don't bother with him, he doesn't deserve your time or attention.

New guy clearly likes you, he wouldn't have trekked all the way to see you otherwise, or at least that's how i'd take it.

Thank you. That was incredibly sweet. kiss