Why do I do this to my self, we stopped dating over four years ago because you felt I was getting to serious ( I was falling in love with you , that was true). But we keep getting together , we have a great connection, but you just can not take it to the next step. OK I get it we were both in...
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yes it was a good time and will lead to others, love having your arms around me

So this is my time of the week with my son. My boy is very high on the autism spectrum, he does not speak very often. When I picked him up from his mother's he was saying dummy and some other words I could not hear ( when he does talk , not just repeating what you say to him he talks very softly and...
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As a chef, we are in the industry. We are all family. I would be hot as well. Talk with his school. Maybe he is not the only one that it's happened to. Or at least they can be aware and look for any changes in his behavior while there. Somewhere he encountered this negativity. We have your back
That kind of thing gets the goat of any parent, but it has to be worse in your situation. No matter how sorely tempted, he needs you out of jail. Stay excellent.

Well I just passed the two year anniversary of my mini-stroke , yep that dead area in the corner of my mouth still bugs me and no one else can see it (still lol). I have slowed down too much on the yoga and need to do some more often but just can't find the energy these day but once I stop working the long...
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As a parent of a child with autism life can be a bit (if not totally ) stressful. My son is very high on the spectrum, he will never be able to live by himself and as long as his mother or I am alive he will be with one of us. He as just turned 21 and is no longer aloud to attend school,...
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