Rob Zombie concert on Friday was great, from beginning to end. I'm sore from the show... I'm just getting old i guess... Being caught up on my homework i pretty much sat around the house not doing anything of importance. Just sat at home, catching up on tv shows, playing video games and drinking heavily. Sounded fun at the time, but I could have gotten...
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Another day of sitting around the office waiting to go home. I have such an interesting life
Picked up my electric guitar for the first time in months... it felt so much better than one of those rock band guitars...
Finally got an apardravya, I've been thinking about getting it done for about two years now so I just said "fuck it, let's go" It's been almost a week so far and it's healing fine.
So I went to three different piercing shops yesterday trying to get an apadravya and no one has ever done one. Are they really that uncommon? But the one shop is about half hour from home and the guy wants to research it. I talked to him for a while about it and ended up feeling pretty comfortable with getting him to do it in...
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Thinking about getting a penis piercing... just not sure which to get...
Wow. This felt like the longest week ever. It was such a mix between good & bad stuff, I'm just hoping this week will be better.
It's just another night I should be asleep insted of on here.
It's only Monday. Today seems like the longest day ever... It's just one thing to do after another and every time i look at the clock only a few minutes have passed... From work to the drive home to being home... i hope the rest of the week picks up...